The Top Five Employee Excuses and the Leader’s Response
To be a better leader, you need to know the top five employee excuses for performance and behavior issues. This Leader Feeder offers you a sure-fire formula for handling employee excuses when the do come up. When a leader addresses a behavior or performance problem, the team member might offer up some excuses to deflect […]
MoreLeader Feeder – How To Handle Unacceptable Behavior
As a leader, you are expected to know how to handle unacceptable behavior and performance in your work team. Many leaders are reluctant to address behavior and performance problems on their team, hoping that it’s going to get better on its own. It usually doesn’t. One reason leaders are reluctant is that they worry a […]
MoreBuying Into Change
A common leadership challenge is to motivate your leaders to buy into change. The reality is that change is constant and it is accelerating. Today’s change becomes tomorrow’s normal. As a leader, you’ll want to remember these three tips to help you and your team buy into change. Tip #1 – Give change a try […]
MoreReducing interruptions to be able to get important work done
Many leaders say they have trouble getting to their most important tasks because they’re constantly interrupted throughout the work day. In addition to the daily volume of emails and phone calls, having team members coming by your office with questions, issues or in constant need of approval can be a distraction. Our Front Line Leadership […]
MorePrepare for Promotion to Supervisor by asking these Five Questions
You are thinking about applying for a new team leader, supervisor or manager position. You are imagining the prestige, the new found power you’ll have and hopefully a raise! Unfortunately the initial excitement and glamor of the promotion will be replaced with the realities that confront every new leader: Stress and pressure to deliver results; […]
MoreNew Supervisors: Technically Competent but not Leadership Competent
The vast majority of new front line supervisors are promoted from within based on their technical skills. They quickly learn that it’s the people dynamic that can be the most frustrating and stressful. One study revealed that most leaders are on the job for 13 years before they get access to leadership training. Learning through […]
MoreThree Curious Leadership Lessons for Front Line Leaders from Donald Trump
Now that the U.S. election is behind us, there are some interesting lessons that front line supervisors and managers in operations and manufacturing environments can take by observing the significant support expressed by those who voted for Donald Trump. This article doesn’t condone or support unacceptable behaviors towards women or immigrants, nor does it support […]
MoreDealing with Dominant and Disrespectful Employees
A popular topic in the Front Line Leadership course is dealing with different personality styles. And one thing supervisors say is quite challenging is when one their employees has a dominant, driver personality type. A dominant employee will typically do these things: – Boss around their co-workers. – Tell their supervisor what to do. – […]
MoreWorkplace Conflict – Educate to Overcome Ignorance – Three leadership tips to harness the positive side of workplace conflict
Are you in the majority of people who see conflict as destructive and avoid it at all costs? Or do you see conflict as an essential ingredient to create a healthy organization and reap the rewards of continuous improvement? The root cause of most conflict is ignorance – either I don’t fully understand your perspective […]
More3 Destructive Things Leaders Say and Shouldn’t
In more than 25 years working with organizations, we’ve seen and heard lots of… ahem… questionable behavior. There are three cringeworthy phrases that say a lot about a leader’s attitude towards his or her people and contribute to a lack of engagement. Destructive Phrase Number 1: We Don’t Pay You to Think How insulting is […]