Help Your Team Be “Right”

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How do you, as a leader, make your team feel “right” or good about what they’re doing, so they can build on those successes?

It has been said that one of the basic human needs, especially in the workplace, is a sense of security that you’re competent and doing something right. It’s important, as a leader, to help your team feel this way.

This is not about false praise – rather finding genuine reasons that they are right or correct about something.

Try following these three tips to build on your team’s successes.

Tip number one is help people feel “right” by asking instead of telling.

Many problems and challenges arise daily in workplaces. As a leader, you might decide to solve the problems by telling people what to do. What if, instead, you started asking your team questions about the problems?

As your team contributes suggested solutions, and you give them credit for it, they can take ownership over the outcome, feel good about it, and they will be more committed to carrying it out.

When you help your team to be right and get better at what they do, you will notice that their overall level of engagement and motivation is higher than ever before. Share on X

The second tip is to explain the big picture.

In order for your team to feel a sense of belonging and feel like they own the work, you have to make the importance of the work clear. When they understand why what they are doing is valuable to the end customer or the company, they will feel good about it, and will have improved motivation and productivity.

The third tip is to grow your team’s competence.

Raise your team’s level of competence and performance over time so that they become more productive. They will produce higher quality products, meet efficiency targets, and be more productive and happier overall.

Coach your team to get better at what they do and look for opportunities to provide constructive feedback. When you invest in your team’s competence level, they will feel more confident, and they will deliver on your expectations.

When you help your team to be right and get better at what they do, you will notice that their overall level of engagement and motivation is higher than ever before.