How To Keep Logistics Supervisors Engaged After Training

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How Do You Keep Logistics Supervisors Engaged After Training?

A significant number of companies view training more as an event and not as much as a process. There is a current bias regarding logistic supervisors: they will not stay engaged with training after it is delivered, and it is impossible to change these habits because they are deeply ingrained.

Habits are difficult for people to change because they are incorporated over time. When you receive instruction asking you to behave differently, there will be resistance at first until it has been performed several times. That is when the action becomes a habit.

Leadership Training & Research Logistics 

According to ResearchGate logistics, supervisors who underwent leadership training improved their learning capacity by 25% and their performance by 20%. All while remaining engaged.

The research shows that most leaders appreciate the training they receive and implement.

Training Biases Within Business

A client we worked with expressed that their managers resisted training efforts for the following reasons:

  • Previous training already occurred.
  • The methods taught did not translate into long-term solutions.
  • Lessons taught were not put into action.

During our time with them, one of the executives of this company then shared that their previous establishment viewed leadership development as a multi-year process. This business recognized that reinforcement helps leaders remember and integrate new behaviors into their routines.

We put together a multi-year training program for the organization, and instead of viewing it as one course, it became a three-level program that everyone went through. After the three-year process, they sought to create refresher sessions to keep that spirit of learning and growing alive.

Keeping Supervisors Engaged After Training

Keep your logistics supervisors engaged after training with these three tips:

Number One: Think Long-Term

When businesses consider enrolment in leadership training, it is generally because an incident or situation has transpired recently to cause them to search for solutions. It could be:

  • The results of an employee survey divulged concerns.
  • HR has received a complaint.
  • The turnover rate is on a steady increase.
  • Issues escalated to management or HR that should be manageable on a supervisor level.

When you think long-term, remember that retaining all of the information from a two-day class is not something everyone can do.

Consider our education system as an example. Can you absorb everything you need in a year, or does it take more time to build on the skills you learn?

Reflect on your development journey. It takes more than one lesson to make the information gained stick. Even after the second or third time that you hear it in a slightly different way, that causes you to integrate it into your behaviors.

Number Two: Reinforce The Lessons

Many managers will still send their team members to receive training.

Unfortunately, something we still witness when some leaders show up for their first day of training is that they were told the day before that they would be attending a class, even if this was planned weeks in advance.

We highly recommend that you discuss this between the manager, supervisor, and the front line leader attending the course.

If you communicate with your leaders as to what areas you would like them to focus on, they are more likely to attend the course with an open mind.  Share your reasons for enrolment and what you hope to see come out of it.

Reinforce learning through those discussions before and after training, with a touch base. Consider asking:

  • What are you putting into action?
  • How is that going?
  • If you have been struggling with something, how can we support you so that it stays alive?

Number Three: Lead By Example

Many supervisors will point out that their managers should have undergone the training. This can create confusion if their managers do not demonstrate the behaviors and skills that these leaders were enrolled to learn.

There is power when you, as the manager, lead consistently with what supervisors are being trained to do. This approach removes the barrier and confusion between what you witness your leaders do and what you are being trained to do.

Additional Development To Become Exceptional Leaders

Traditional training used to consist of three days of content, but we have twice that amount available.

So if you have “been there” and “done that,” it is time to explore other topics or find a refreshing way to go back to the fundamentals with your team.

You can connect with us on our website at, and together we can help find a solution that will help your leaders grow in the short term but sustain long-term results.

This will ultimately lead to behavior changes that will drive organizational excellence.