How to Provide Logistics Supervisors Industry Specific Leadership Training

Home » How to Provide Logistics Supervisors Industry Specific Leadership Training

What does a logistics supervisor’s industry leadership training look like?

Let us take a look at what those logistics and distribution leaders really need and some of the reasons why companies are hesitant to set them up for success.

Three Myths Companies Tell Themselves When Training Leaders

Myth Number One: A Lack of Resources

Many companies will say, “We cannot afford to send our supervisors to business school.” This would be unnecessary regardless, since most of the leadership training that you would require needs to be more practical and focused on how to do their jobs better.

Myth Number Two: A Perceived Lack of Time

If the company feels that they do not have the coverage to allow their people the leadership training that they need they may avoid it together. There are flexible ways of delivering that training in smaller bite-sized pieces so that your team can still get the coverage that they need on the floor while having the time to work on their leadership skills.

Myth Number Three: “We Are Not Sure If It Is A Good Fit.”

Some people are worried that the training that they are going to get will be aimed at a much bigger company, like Amazon, when what they need is something that is a little bit more fundamental and basic for their leaders.

How To Provide Logistics Supervisors Industry Leadership Training That Everyone Can Benefit From

Focus On Communicating Respectfully

The reality is most of the time your supervisors are interacting with their team, they are using the skill of communication. If they can learn to do that in a respectful way while avoiding any sense of aggression or being condescending, then the person on the other end of that communication (your team members) is going to feel valued and respected.

Have Your Supervisors Build A Strong Sense Of Team

If you can build an atmosphere and environment where it feels like “we are all in this together to produce results for our customer,” then you are going to have success as a group.

You may have already been a part of groups that had a good feel to them, and ones that did not have a good feel to them. Remember teams that feel better tend to produce more.
If you can build an atmosphere and environment where it feels like we are all in this together to produce results for our customer, then you are going to have success as a group. Share on X

Train For Success

If people are going to be successful in your distribution and logistics operation, they are going to need the skills to make them successful. That means your supervisors are going to need to train them on how to do the basic job functions so that they feel capable and confident in their tasks.

Training Does Not End There

Once you have improved and focused on the key leadership skills for your people, you are going to find that there is even more that you want to work on.

That is where we come in at Front Line Leadership and Unique Training & Development. You can start that conversation on our website at

In the end, we can scale solutions bigger or smaller to meet your needs and become your partners in leadership excellence.