Manufacturing Supervisors Need Specialized Training

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Virtual Training for Manufacturing Supervisors

How do you provide manufacturing supervisors the specialized training that they need to be successful?

There are specific skills that manufacturing leaders need to enjoy greater success on the job.

Transitioning From Employee to Leader

There is a common misconception that an outstanding employee will turn into an effective manager or supervisor. Do you ever see examples where someone is promoted based on their technical skills, only to have issues?

They may not be as effective as they could be in their leadership role.

Despite the magnitude of the transition, most frontline leaders are actually underserved by their organization.

Survey Says…

A recent survey revealed that the frontline leaders interact with 80% of the people in your operation, but we only give them about 20 to 30% of the typical development efforts and training.

Your leaders interact with most of your team, but they do not proportionally get the right amount of training for the importance of that role.
A recent survey revealed that the frontline leaders interact with 80% of the people in your operation, but we only give them about 20 to 30% of the typical development efforts and training. Share on X

Case In Point 

One of the companies that we worked with would take their highest performers and promote them.

Before working with us, they would throw their team members into leadership roles. Then they would watch them stumble around, only to end up causing frustrations and aggravation.

This approach was not working. The issues would escalate up to management or HR instead of being dealt with at the level that they should have been. Which was with the frontline leader.

Once they recognized where the root of the problems stemmed from, it became apparent to them how essential it was to develop the skillsets of those who transitioned from a role as an individual contributor into becoming a leader.

This allowed them to increase the chance of success and reduce the number of problems that were escalating up to HR and management.

Specialized Training for Success

How do you provide manufacturing supervisors specialized training so that they can be more successful in the role?

Here are a few things to consider:

Define The Priorities

When you look at all the interactions and skillsets that your supervisors have with their team members, ask yourself:

  • Which ones are the highest priority?
  • If those leaders were more effective in specific areas, would it impact the number of issues escalated to HR for resolution?

Make Training Practical

If you have ever been exposed to training that is more theoretical, you know that practical training can provide you real world scenarios that can relate to your current work.

Production supervisors will appreciate when there is specialized training in which the content is very practical and relates to their daily interactions with their team.
If you have ever been exposed to training that is more theoretical, you know that practical training can provide you real world scenarios that can relate to your current work. Share on X

Nurture New Approaches Over Time 

It is nearly impossible to get everything that we need from a training program right away. Even when it is amazing like the one that we teach.

Your team will also need that nurturing through HR support and the manager. This will aid them moving forward when they are asked to put those kinds of ideas and new skills into action.

Next Steps 

Once you master the art of how to deliver specialized skills that your manufacturing leaders need, you should reach out to us to further your own development.

Discover for yourself why we are the number one resource for training supervisors in manufacturing and operations.

For more information, you can check out our topics, our courses, and our special way of getting supervisors to become more proficient by visiting us on our website at

Every conversation will lead to a different path. Whether it is having us deliver a short course, first aid for the kinds of things that your leaders need most, or perhaps you want a more comprehensive solution.

We look forward to that conversation with you. In the end, our goal is to help your leaders get better to create better workplaces for everyone.