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Master Your To-Do List. How can you cross off more items on your to-do list? Even professionals struggle with crossing items off their own lists.

Master Your To-Do List

How can you cross off more items on your to-do list? Even professionals that teach a lot of good leadership practices still struggle with crossing items off of their own to-do lists.

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Inspire Performance and Results. There is this sense of confidence that comes when you feel that what you're doing is correct and will generate the results that are desired.

Inspire Performance and Results

How can you build a confident team? You can build the confidence levels of your team members. If you can help them feel more capable and consistent, then you can inspire them to deliver performance and results for the expectations that you have.

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Ultimatums in the Workplace. What do you do when an employee presents you with an ultimatum? Do you give in to the ultimatum? Do you turn it down flatly? 

Ultimatums In The Workplace

It is uncomfortable when an employee comes to your office and says, “Either you do this or I am quitting.”

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The Misconception of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace. Is it possible that artificial intelligence is demotivating and disengaging your team in the workplace, or is this a misconception?

The Misconception of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

We know that technology is evolving. However, is it possible that artificial intelligence is demotivating and disengaging your team?

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Solving the Communication Gap. How can you, as a leader, ensure that when you communicate that you are giving instructions clearly understood with your team?

Solving the Communication Gap

How can you ensure that your instructions are clearly understood?

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Develop a Workplace No One Wants to Leave. Are you ready to develop a workplace no one wants to leave? The question is why are they doing that and what are you going to do?

Develop a Workplace No One Wants to Leave

Do you create a positive, emotional connection with your new hires?

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Three Goals Every Leader Should Have. What is the biggest part of a leader's job that might not even be on their job description? Here are three goals you need!

Three Goals Every Leader Should Have

What is the biggest part of a leader’s job that might not even be on their job description? Let’s look at key job responsibilities that you as a leader, need that are as important as the results that you are expected to generate.

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Become a Sludge Remover. What is "Sludge"? Do you know if you are a sludge remover and how to become one? Listen in to this week's episode to find out!

Become A Sludge Remover

Most organizations have an element of sludge. These are the processes and procedures that bog people down, like trying to walk through quicksand.

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Structure Your Day. How should you, as a leader, structure your day and what do you do with your difficult tasks? Find out in this week's episode.

Structure Your Day

How should you as a leader structure your day, and what do you do with your difficult tasks?

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happy holidays

Happy Holidays

Santa is working on wish lists and things that people want from him this Christmas. That got me thinking, what is it that employees want from their supervisors this holiday season? And not only then, but a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year. I think there are three things that are on most […]

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