Misdirected by metrics?

Tag: “continuous improvement”

Misdirected by metrics?

You’ve likely heard the expression, “What get’s measured, gets managed.” And yet, if you pay attention to the wrong metrics or measurements, it can distract both management and employees from desired behaviors. Metrics provide management with the key information needed to make decisions and assess performance in the business. Paying attention to the wrong metrics or […]

What about the followers?

Over a coffee with a colleague, she shared with me an interesting trend emerging in followership. For decades, most training and development has been focused on executives, managers and front line supervisors with the justification that improvements made at those higher levels will be reflected in the behavior and results of the staff at the […]

Leadership overrated?

In the past ten years, we’ve been systematically replacing words like manager and supervisor with leader. Everyone attends “Leadership” training instead of “Management” training. Are we putting too much emphasis on leadership and not enough on management? We’ll explore more on that below. Now is your opportunity to download your complimentary copy of the What […]

Done learning?

It’s amazing how Labor Day seems to be like New Year’s Day for business. And as the kids head back to school, it’s time to reflect on whether you and your team need to sharpen your skill sets for what lies ahead.   I’m pleased to give you a sneak peek at my latest book […]