Three Ways to Improve Morale In A Leadership Role

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How can you improve the morale in your production facility or your warehouse?

There is a myth we should address, and that is warehouses and factories are not the most motivating or highest morale environments.

We have seen examples where there can be high morale (even in a fairly gritty environment). This generally relies on the leadership and what leaders are doing.

Generating Better Results

It is well known that happy and motivated workers generate better results.

One study that we just recently referred to revealed a 12% increase in productivity based on the happiness and satisfaction of the team members.

What do the leaders need to do to create that environment and improve the morale in your facility?
One study that we just recently referred to revealed a 12% increase in productivity based on the happiness and satisfaction of the team members. Share on X

Three Ways to Improve Plant Morale

Improving plant morale relies on three things:

Number One: Help Your Team Win

When you help your team win, it means that your people have a sense of accomplishment from their day’s efforts. Otherwise, it can be draining to watch your inbox go down while your outbox goes up. Only to keep repeating that day after day.

Ask yourself, “Can you give your people a sense that they are winning by achieving the daily production results?”

Translated, this could refer to whether you are setting challenging goals, support, and then a review process.

Number Two: Show Appreciation

Appreciation does not have to just be tied to the results that people generate, but just the appreciation for the efforts that they are making.

Acknowledge them for attendance, showing up mentally, and behavior that is consistent with your expectations as a leader.

It is important to always show appreciation, even if it is just a simple thank you for people contributing to the team’s efforts.
Appreciation does not have to just be tied to the results that people generate, but just the appreciation for the efforts that they are making. Share on X

Number Three: Involve Your Team In Decision-Making And Problem Solving

People feel more engaged, and their morale goes up when they feel that they have had a say in the success of your operation. This is why it is important that you ask people for ideas that you can build on or improvements using different problem-solving perspectives.

When you involve them in decision-making, their sense of ownership over the responsibility for success will increase. The accountability will also increase.

How You Can Improve Morale as a Leader

All of these things can help improve the morale of your production facility and improve plant morale. It all relates to the leaders in your organization.

That is, of course, where we come in. At Front Line Leadership and Unique Training and Development, we develop the frontline leadership skills that your team needs to be successful.

It all starts with a conversation on our website at Whether your team just needs a specific skillset improved, or they need a comprehensive solution. We have the resources that you need to have leadership success and to improve plant morale.