Why Are Logistics Managers Important

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Why are logistics managers so important? To understand the answer, we need to first dive into the world of logistics managers.

Understanding The Function of Logistics Managers

One misconception that we must address is that the logistics function and the logistics manager do not have that much impact on the overall operational results.   

If the supply chain is critical to the outcome, this means that the logistics manager, who runs it, is just as important.

We know that logistics managers tend to be good at:

  • Organization
  • Negotiations
  • Making decisions in tight situations

What about the people skills that they also need to maximize that success? After all, their success will drive the company’s reputation and their profit margin.
If the supply chain is critical to the outcome, this means that the logistics manager, who runs it, is just as important. Share on X

Tips On Improving Logistic Managers’ Success

Let us say that you have a logistics manager with a problem on their hands. They have to deal with the supply chain challenges that could potentially fall apart.

If they fail to use effective problem-solving skills or find alternative solutions, then they cannot ensure that they have the parts that are needed in their operation.

By recognizing this knowledge gap, logistics managers can begin to realize what they need to improve the skills that are important to the organization.

Specifically, we have three suggestions for any logistics manager interested in improving their success.

Suggestion One: Empower The Team

Logistics can sometimes feel like a top-down, “You do this and that.” People’s jobs are already very narrow.

When empowering people, however, you give them the power and discretion they need to make effective decisions.

Think of a department that takes its orders from a few people. If you empower them to increase that number, you are contributing more to your organization’s success.
Think of a department that takes its orders from a few people. If you empower them to increase that number, you are contributing more to your organization's success. Share on X

Suggestion Two: Define The Challenge

It is hard to know our bottlenecks with all the moving parts in logistics operations.

What is the challenge we need to keep in mind when driving excellence into our results?

Define that challenge with the team and make sure everyone understands it.

Suggestion Three: Build on The Positives

Every day is filled with challenges for logistics. After all, problem-solving is what they do. Sometimes they can still feel limited in certain cases when the inevitability of problems existing kicks in.

Logistics managers need to:

  • Build positive foundations.
  • Realize that it is not always a gap between what they do and what they would like to do.
  • Make sure the team sees that they have accomplished a lot to prevent any future frustrations.

Maximizing Leadership Skills with Logistics Managers

Imagine you have helped your logistics manager become more efficacious in increasing their logistics performance. You might probably realize that there are other leadership skills that require improvement in the areas of motivation, engagement, and communication.

Do not hesitate to get support!

Leverage our expertise with our Front Line Leadership program. It is now offered in English, Spanish, and French. We also provide workshops that are either in-person or can be delivered from our state-of-the-art virtual training studio.

It all starts with a conversation.

This can happen by visiting our website uniquedevelopment.com. Better yet, you can tap into our social networks on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

No matter how you prefer to connect, we look forward to being your partners in leadership excellence.