Act With Urgency

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How can you counter the drift of mediocre leadership and act with a sense of urgency?

Do not delay in taking actions to boost your leadership effectiveness. Below, you can see a model on how to counter the drift of mediocre leadership. There is the current situation and a line to indicate the future of your organization.


act with urgency - drift of mediocre leadership


The Red Zone

In one dimension, there is a red zone. These leaders are “buddies.” They are trying to be friends with the people that they lead, and they are not inspired by their job. If you transition from your current situation to the red zone, it is a line of decline to get there.

Your organization will drift that way as long as you tolerate unacceptable leadership behaviors, or if your people just do not know any better.

The longer you wait to take action, the more work you will have to take to raise the level of leadership in your organization. Share on X

The Green Zone

At the same time, there is another path that people can take, and that is to go up from where your organization currently is to the green zone of a “leader.”

When we are talking about leaders, we mean people that have gone above and beyond to solve problems for their team and inspire excellence. These leaders decrease turnover, and increase productivity while inspiring others to become leaders too.

How long can your organization really wait before it makes the commitment towards the green line of success to have magnetic and emulating leaders?

The longer you wait to take action, the more work you will have to take to raise the level of leadership in your organization. Our job at Front Line Leadership is to help supervisors get to that green zone. We give you the skills that your people need, and the motivation to do the right thing.

Act with urgency. The time to take action is right now.

We would love to talk about how we can help you grow your front line leadership skills to have a truly successful team that drives organizational excellence.



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