Ayesha Shah: Rewriting Narratives for Personal and Professional Growth

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Do you ever feel trapped by your thoughts, held back by invisible barriers constructed from your own beliefs? In a recent episode of the Accelerating Operational Performance podcast, Ayesha Shah, a renowned people and culture executive, speaker, and author, joined host Greg Schinkel to explore how to break free from these self-imposed limitations.

Ayesha, who currently serves as VP of Human Resources for The Corporation of Massey Hall & Roy Thomson Hall, is passionate about fostering creativity and empowering leaders. Her book, “The Mindset Prism: Freeing Your Mind and Unlocking Limitless Possibilities,” discusses how our internal narratives shape our reality. You can watch the full podcast episode here or listen to it here.

“We all have narratives that run in our minds; they’re informed by our experiences, and they tend to be a protective mechanism for us as well. And that can serve a purpose, but it can also become a limiting factor for us.”

The Mindset Prism: Unveiling the Power of Our Inner Narratives

The narratives we create are constantly changing, and we can recognize, challenge, and reframe them through self-reflection to better serve our needs.

The book, The Mindset Prism: Freeing Your Mind and Unlocking Limitless Possibilities,” guides readers through a journey of:

  • Becoming conscious of the unconscious narratives that drive our thoughts and behaviors.
  • Cultivating intentionality and mindfulness in how we choose to perceive ourselves and the world around us.
  • Breaking through self-imposed limitations to unlock our full potential.

“It is empowering to realize that we are all capable of becoming aware of our views, beliefs, and perspectives and not only identifying them but actually being able to mould them and expand them into something that really serves us well.”

Think of it this way: If our minds are like houses, our narratives are the furniture within them. We can rearrange, replace, or even remove pieces to create a space that is truly our own, a space that fosters growth, creativity, and well-being.

Ayesha draws inspiration from Rumi’s words: “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?” She invites us to step out of the prisons we have inadvertently built for ourselves and embrace a life of possibility instead of one constrained by limitations. Living a life of possibility breaks down these imaginary “prison” walls and brings creation and fulfillment to my daily life.

Key Insight: Our narratives can either be enabling or imprisoning, but by becoming aware of them and actively choosing the stories we tell ourselves, we can unlock limitless possibilities and live more fulfilling lives.

Strategy: Practice regular self-reflection and mindfulness techniques to identify limiting narratives, then challenge and reframe them by setting specific goals and adopting positive, forward-thinking perspectives.

Impact: This approach unlocks greater creativity, adaptability, and fulfillment, leading to personal growth and a more innovative, empowered workforce.

Unmasking Ourselves: The Transformative Power of Origin Stories

In her recent TEDx talk submission, “Unleashing Our Inner Superheroes and the Transformative Power of Origin Stories,” Ayesha goes deeper into the concept of her book, offering valuable insights on how origin stories shape identity. Everyone is surrounded by origin stories—whether from scientific narratives like evolution or fictional tales of superheroes like Batman and Superman. These stories do not merely explain beginnings; they become the lens through which people understand themselves and the world around them.

To help people recognize and reframe their own origin stories, Ayehsa shared a few steps of her framework:

  • Acknowledge your own experience

Begin by becoming aware of personal beliefs and understanding how upbringing, environment, and experiences have shaped individual narratives.

  • Zoom out and see others more fully

Recognize that often, people are perceived only as a fraction of who they truly are. There is a tendency to project personal biases and experiences onto others without fully understanding their unique stories.

  • Reframe your story

Once these biases and narratives are acknowledged, it is possible to challenge assumptions, question beliefs, and choose a more empowering, inclusive perspective.

Reframing stories is not about dismissing past experiences but about gaining a better understanding of oneself and others. It is about realizing that perceptions are not always accurate, and there is often much more to a situation than initially meets the eye.

The reframing process is important, especially in everyday interactions within a manufacturing environment. For example, when a colleague makes a mistake on the production line, the immediate impulse may be to label them as careless based on internal narratives. The true personal power comes from recognizing these limiting stories and shifting to a more compassionate, open-minded view, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

“We all have origin stories, and these origin stories aren’t just narratives. They become the very fabric of our identity, shaping how we perceive everything around us.”

Key Insight: Reframing origin stories enhances empathy and understanding within teams, leading to more effective collaboration and improved workplace relationships.

Strategy: Leaders should implement regular self-reflection exercises and inclusive dialogue sessions to help team members recognize and reshape their personal narratives

Impact: This proactive reframing approach enables teams to break free from limiting perceptions, resulting in a more cohesive, resilient workforce that is better equipped to navigate challenges and drive operational excellence.

Cultivating Extraordinary Compassion

An interesting concept Ayesha introduces is “extraordinary compassion,” which she describes as a key ingredient in reframing our narratives and fostering genuine connection with others. But how does this differ from empathy?

“Compassion is the quality of witnessing without judgment, and it’s the ability to grant the other person their experience, holding them harmless, to have this presence with people that is benevolent, that isn’t judging, that isn’t interfering, but allowing.”

While empathy allows us to understand others’ feelings, but compassion goes further. It calls for us to witness those feelings without judgment, creating space for understanding and connection even when faced with challenging behaviors or perspectives.

Compassion is not about being a doormat; it requires inner strength and the ability to hold space for others without losing oneself in the process. It is difficult to consistently practice compassion, especially when faced with deeply ingrained narratives and biases. 

Even those striving to do better can struggle with negative thoughts and judgments. Some practical advice for cultivating compassion in challenging situations is:

  • Extend compassion to yourself by acknowledging your feelings and sensitivities, recognizing that feeling triggered or uncomfortable in challenging situations is perfectly acceptable.
  • Become curious about what is being triggered within you by asking yourself why a particular situation or behavior is upsetting you.
  • Depersonalize the situation by practicing metacognition, or “witness consciousness” Metacognition allows you to observe your reactions and those of others from a detached perspective, helping you avoid getting caught up in the emotional intensity of the moment.
  • Ask questions instead of making judgments. Remain present and compassionate, striving to understand the other person’s perspective through open-ended inquiries.

Key Insight: Extraordinary compassion means understanding others without judgment, allowing for true connection.

Strategy: To build compassion, be kind to yourself, notice your emotional triggers, step back from intense feelings, and ask open-ended questions to understand others better.

Impact: Practicing extraordinary compassion leads to stronger relationships and a more supportive environment.

“Intention is just us being aware of how we’re showing up and who do we want to be in the situation, and I think who we want to be in a situation is a different question than what do we want out of a situation.”

The Power of Intentionality: Showing Up as Our Best Selves

We create space for genuine connection and co-creation when we focus on who we want to be—compassionate, supportive, understanding—rather than what we want to get. This shift in focus allows us to be more present, listen more intently, and pick up on subtle cues that can help resolve conflicts and de-escalate tense situations.

While direct intervention is sometimes necessary, approaching situations with the intention to inspire and uplift others holds a lasting effect.

“If our intention is to be with people and then be with them regardless of what they’re going through, I think that opens up ways within ourselves that allow others to find their own inner greatness,”

This sense of intentionality sets off a ripple effect, shaping both our own actions and those of the people around us. When we approach situations with compassion and a sincere effort to understand, we foster an environment where others feel acknowledged, valued, and empowered.

Ayesha once worked with a highly successful man who consistently framed his goals in terms of what he wanted to avoid—negative outcomes, criticisms, or disappointments. She challenged him to shift his perspective and focus on what he wanted to inspire in others. This change helped him see his relationships and leadership role in a whole new way.

This is how asking empowering questions and providing space for reflection, rather than simply offering solutions, allows others to discover their own answers.

Key Insight: Focusing on who we want to be fosters genuine connections and encourages co-creation, allowing us to uplift others and create a positive environment.

Strategy: Approach interactions with the intention of inspiring and understanding, listen actively, and ask empowering questions that encourage reflection.

Impact: This intentionality not only transforms our own behavior but also influences those around us, leading to stronger relationships and more effective communication.

Navigating the Early Stages of Your Career: Ayesha’s Advice

Drawing from her own experiences, Ayesha shares two valuable insights that can greatly support professionals.

Embrace Humility

Early in her career, she often equated perfection with success and projected a façade of unwavering confidence. While she acknowledges the value of confidence, she underscores the significance of balancing it with humility.

Through humility, professionals can:

  • Release the pressure to have all the answers
  • Seek guidance from mentors, coaches, and colleagues
  • Foster a more collaborative and fulfilling work environment
  • Embrace learning and growth as essential parts of the journey

Embracing humility not only enriches individual experiences but also deepens connections, both personally and professionally.

Cultivate Flexibility

Ayesha also encourages professionals to cultivate flexibility in their career trajectories. While having clear goals and aspirations is vital, it is important to remain open to the unexpected.

This openness to unforeseen opportunities and detours can lead to discovering new passions and ultimately crafting a career path that resonates with one’s values and interests. Many individuals find themselves in unexpected careers, which often leads to more fulfilling and meaningful work.

Careers are not merely about achieving specific titles or positions; they encompass the journey itself, the relationships forged, and the impact made along the way. 

From Limiting Beliefs to Limitless Possibilities

Recognizing how our internal narratives shape our perceptions, we cultivate deeper compassion, intentionality, and adaptability in our lives. Each of us has the ability to rewrite our stories, choosing narratives that inspire growth and meaningful connections. Extraordinary compassion—toward ourselves and others—is essential for success. It enables us to observe without judgment, creating space for understanding and collaboration.

Whether you are at the start of your career or looking to elevate your leadership skills, Ayesha’s framework offers powerful tools to unlock your potential and lead a more purposeful life. To learn more about Ayesha and her work, you can connect with her on LinkedIn or visit her website at theayeshashah.com.

The Accelerating Operational Performance podcast is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve excellence. In each episode, we deliver insights and practical strategies for operational excellence, leadership development, and personal growth, empowering listeners while reducing stress and frustration.


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