Behavior And Performance Is Reflective of the Front Line Leader

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Leaders set the tone for front line employee behavior.

To find out, we need to talk about how front-line leaders are responsible for cultivating a performance-based culture in the workplace.

How Are Performance And Culture Related?

Many people think that culture causes behavior.

The truth is that culture is a composition of behaviors. Think of it as what it takes to fit in in a company. Naturally, it is why certain companies end up with a culture of complacency.

I remember an organization we once worked with. They wanted to change their workplace culture. Specifically, they wanted to move from being service-based to achievement-based.

However, the two cultural types are diametrically opposed. Hence, this organization realized that there is not one & “whole” culture for any company.

Rather, it is a composition of subcultures.
Culture is a composition of behaviors. Share on X

Tips on Navigating Subcultures As A Frontline Leader

The real question we need to ask is this: What causes subcultures to be either high-performing or low-performing. Moreover, how does it all relate to frontline leaders?

After all, the frontline leader is the one influencing their front line employees’ behavior.

Over time, these behavioral expectations lead to the formation of cultures and subcultures.

We need to know how to move the needle on culture. Only then can we successfully influence morale and productivity.

Luckily, I have a few tips to help you make that happen:

Tip Number One: Promote Achievement And Winning

Having too many subcultures cause performance depletion. What you want to do is get people to focus on winning.

People do not want to fight each other. They want to win together. Achievement is your best focus for high performance.
People do not want to fight each other. They want to win together. Achievement is your best focus for high performance. Share on X

Tip Number Two: Push Collaboration For Effectiveness

This means you must pay attention to soloing. This occurs when different departments compete. Hence, watch how you use your measurement system and feedback; ensure you are not pitting departments against each other.

Instead, they could be collaborating with one another to drive overall performance.

Tip Number Three: Drive Performance With Accountability

We often think of accountability as people taking responsibility for their own responsibilities. After all, accountability requires the application of consequences.

So why do people think of consequences as being both positive and negative or corrective? The answer is simple: Consequences are what happens after an action.

Say you want members of your workforce to get a steady flow of feedback. You need to ensure they get positive reinforcement when they are doing well.

Likewise, you need to provide them with corrective action when their results are out of shape.

How High-Performance Culture Is Affected By It All

So, what makes a high-performance culture? Setting and achieving challenging goals. Focusing on collaboration. Maintaining personal accountability.

With these tips in mind, there are only two outcomes: You apply positive and corrective consequences. If you do not, nobody knows whether they are doing well or not.

Maximizing High-Performance Culture with Leadership

Imagine you now know how to create a high-performance culture. You are going to want to work on some of your other leadership attributes. This is where our Front Line Leadership Program comes in. Do not hesitate!

It is remote or in-person, and in English, Spanish, and French. Regardless, it all starts with a conversation.

To learn more, visit our website at

Through high-value conversations, we deliver the performance you expect and need to succeed.