Leaders Give Hope When Things Seem Hopeless

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Leaders are expected to remain proactive and positive in challenging situations. When everyone around you is losing hope, your job is to re-ignite the spark of future success.

Hopelessness is one of the worst feelings a human being can feel. At a joint meeting between the Rotary Club of London and the Salvation Army, Major Alf Richardson, Divisional Commander with the Salvation Army gave a stirring speech celebrating the Salvation Army’s mission of Giving Hope Today.

As a leader you might not be charged with providing hope to those coping with addiction and poverty like the Salvation Army; you are however expected to give hope to the people you lead.

In a recession, it is easy for your employees to experience hopelessness. In good times, we think they will go on forever. Similarly in bleak times, we think it will never get better. The leader is responsible for giving people hope.

How to Create Hope

1. Compelling Vision: Look up to the horizon and envision where you want to take your organization given the short term realities and the long term potential.

2. Create a Plan: Define the roadmap that will take you from the current situation to the vision you created. The plan need not be perfect; it just needs to be believable to you and to others.

3. Communicate to Create Hope: Give people hope by revealing your vision and plan. Encourage participation and buy-in. Ask for help in making it a reality. Show your energy and enthusiasm and even the most skeptical people will begin to see the glimmer of hope of future success.

Put your own self-doubt aside and commit to giving hope today.