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Leaders helping team members

Helping Or Harping?

 When you think of supportive leaders in your life, what did they do? Chances are, they were willing to come alongside and help you figure out how to get results. In other words, they were helping not harping. A servant leader mindset is an interesting perspective on leadership. In a traditional organization, the CEO […]

Tattletale Team Members in factory setting

Tattletale Team Members

 What should you do as a leader when you have tattletale team members? Today let’s talk about this double-edged sword of having tattletale team members on your team. In some instances, a team member who tells on another can actually be helpful for you as a leader because you can’t see everything and be […]

Negative Employees

Dealing With Negative Employees

 Dealing with negative and complaining employees is one of the top frustrations that leaders face. How can you, as a leader, combat the negativity and complaining that you hear from your team? Remember that people who are negative don’t think of themselves as being negative. They just think they’re being conversational or perhaps doing […]


How To Deal With Cutbacks

 How do you deal with a cutback in labor in your department, or when things start to soften business-wise? As a leader, how you react and handle a workforce reduction will influence the morale and performance of your team. Good news, productivity is up. Your company has found a better way to achieve more […]

Experimentation Mindset

Curiosity & Experimentation Mindset

 How can you, as a front line leader, develop a mindset of curiosity and experimentation? Do you think in terms of curiousness and experimentation, or do you tend to be rigid and narrow in your thinking? One of the expressions I like is, “be curious, not furious” because being curious opens one up to […]

manage conflicts

Cooling Off Heated Conflicts

 How do you as a front line leader, cool people down when they’re having an emotional or heated argument? Sometimes front line leaders struggle with knowing how to deal with two employees or team members who are having a heated argument. Being in a hot work environment, where people are working long hours and […]

Management's messages

Own Management’s Messages

 As a front line leader, do you blame senior management or HR when you make an announcement to your team? It’s so important that you own the message you deliver to your team. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be liked by your team by just saying, “You know […]

improvements with projects

Use Projects To Make Improvements

 Do you think in terms of projects when making improvements in your department? You, as a leader, can embrace the concept of projects to move your department closer and closer to your vision of excellence. But before creating a project, leaders should have a vision first. Most, if not all, leaders can list all […]

manufacturing processes

Avoid Standard Work Stagnation

 Is your organization suffering from standard work stagnation? Standard work and operating procedures can sometimes get out of hand. As a leader, you can put so much emphasis on them that it takes away some of the innovation and flexibility in your work group. Standardizing work is important in an operational environment. Organizations put […]

Employee Behaviour Problems

Triage Employee Behaviour Problems

 How should you as a front line leader triage employee behaviour problems? As a leader, when determining the consequences to apply to a behavior or performance issue, you’re going to do the same thing that a nurse does in the emergency department – triage. Triage in a hospital means the nurse assesses the severity […]
