Respect: Demand it or Earn it?

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Respect: Demand it or Earn it?

Respect: Demand it or Earn it? White Collar Worker

 Respect – should you demand it or earn it? In the past, a leader could expect respect simply because of their position. That still exists somewhat today, but more recently, the culture is changing into the belief that respect is something that must be earned. When you think of a leader who you respected, […]

How Should Leaders Apologize?

How Should Leaders Apologize?

 How should leaders apologize? In a recent Leader Feeder episode, I discussed that one of the first steps to rebuild trust is to offer a sincere apology. A recent study revealed helpful suggestions on the difference between an ineffective and effective apology. Whether you watch a politician, an actor or a business executive apologize, […]

Your Leadership Journey

Your Leadership Journey

 Your leadership journey consists of three phases that you need to know about. Let’s look at the three phases that you go through as a leader. The first phase is called the “new leader phase.” The second phase is “I-got-this” phase. And the third and final phase is called the “leadership legacy” phase. New […]

Rebuilding Broken Trust

Rebuilding Broken Trust

 Rebuilding broken trust is essential in order for your team to be motivated to follow your example. If your team can’t trust you, they won’t be motivated to do what you need them to do. Trust will break down when you, as the leader, promise something to a member of your team, and then […]

Embrace Progressive Discipline

Embrace Progressive Discipline

 Although difficult, it’s important that every front line leader learns how to embrace progressive discipline as a tool to create behavior change. Before we go any further, let’s make sure we all understand what we mean by progressive discipline. It’s the process of applying increasingly severe consequences when an employee fails to correct a […]