Develop a Workplace No One Wants to Leave

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Develop a Workplace No One Wants to Leave

Develop a Workplace No One Wants to Leave We did it! Close up photo of builders shaking hands against cheerful colleagues while working together at construction site. Team work.

Do you create a positive, emotional connection with your new hires? You are probably grappling with what is called the “Great Resignation”. Many people are giving notice and changing jobs. The question, is why are they doing that and what are you going to do with your team to make sure that you can retain […]

Leading in Difficult Situations

Leading in Difficult Situations Leading in Difficult Situations

 How can you make a difference to your team in difficult working conditions? Today, we are going to explore how you as the leader can make a big difference in whether your team wants to push through difficult times, or give up. You have likely heard the expression, “People do not quit bad jobs, […]

Leadership Observations

Leadership Observations leadership observations

 How does writing things down show that you care? Many supervisors embrace the suggestion that we have in our Front Line Leadership Program to circulate proactively amongst the people of their shift, asking if they have what they need for that day’s work. The issue then becomes how good is your memory when people […]

Be Your Team’s Hero

Be Your Team’s Hero Be Your Team’s Hero

 How can you as a supervisor be seen as a hero by your team? It might seem strange to be referred to as a hero, but in a way, it is the same way that a child looks up to their parent as a hero. The parent makes things happen, gives them what they […]

How to Deal with Difficult Employees

How to Deal with Difficult Employees how to deal with difficult employees

 How do you deal with employees who have short fuses? You likely know someone who has a short fuse. They end up blowing up over small issues, or difficult employees can overreact to an announcement that you make in your workgroup. How can you as a leader not allow that to aggravate you, and […]