Leading in Difficult Situations

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How can you make a difference to your team in difficult working conditions?

Today, we are going to explore how you as the leader can make a big difference in whether your team wants to push through difficult times, or give up. You have likely heard the expression, “People do not quit bad jobs, they quit bad leaders.” However, a participant in one of my classes said that the opposite is also true. People will stay with a leader even if things in the company are difficult.

A great leader can increase the retention of people in your company and make it attractive to new prospective employees.

If you are a supervisor in a job that is considered difficult, you can do a few things to increase the retention of the people on your team. Use these three tips:

1. Be supportive.

Being supportive means that your team knows you will go to bat for them and help them be successful in their job. They do not want a leader who is going to beat on them for not performing or not stepping up. You need to be helpful.

Use these three tips to increase the retention of the people on your team in difficult working situations. Share on X

2. Be resourceful.

Your team really counts on you as their leader to go out and get them what they need to deliver the expected results. Anything that you can do to lobby other departments or remove frustrations for your team will help them feel supported. Get your team what they need to be successful by being resourceful.

3. Be positive.

Difficult jobs and situations can be hard for a leader, but you need to stay in a positive mindset and understand that your team can overcome anything. You need to be realistically optimistic. Get your team to understand that you are trying your best to make their jobs easier and that you are helping them generate results.

If you do those three things, you can be the kind of leader that people will stick with in difficult situations and give their utmost to ensure the organization’s success.

Once you figure out how to be a supportive leader in a difficult department, it is time to work on your other leadership attributes, and that is where Front Line Leadership comes in.

We look forward to working with you on making you the leader that everyone wants to work for.