Happy Holidays

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Santa is working on wish lists and things that people want from him this Christmas. That got me thinking, what is it that employees want from their supervisors this holiday season? And not only then, but a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.

I think there are three things that are on most employees’ wish list:

1. A leader who is positive.

Spending a lot of time at work and working for a leader who is always negative and critical starts to wear on people during the season. So why not give them the gift of positive leadership? That will lift their spirits up, not only during the holidays, but also in the year ahead.

Santa is working on wish lists and things that people want from him this Christmas. But what is it that employees want from their supervisors this holiday season? Share on X

2. A leader who empowers.

People are looking to be empowered for the most part. They want more challenge and more responsibility. And even though many supervisors may think that their team does not want more responsibility, they do. They want the freedom to grow and to develop.

3. The chance to grow and get better at what they do.

People want a sense of mastery. They want to get good at things because it gives them a sense of pride and it is also recognized and acknowledged by other people.

Can you be the type of leader that delivers the gift of learning and the gift of growth this holiday season?

We want to be your partners in the year ahead on leadership excellence and Santa, I know you have got a lot of work to do, and I hope that you can make some of these employee dreams come true.

From all of our team at Unique Training and Development and Front Line Leadership Systems, we want to wish you, your family, and friends a happy and safe, prosperous holiday and a great year ahead.

There will be no Leader Feeder next week, see you in the new year!