Mistakes of Managing to the Metrics

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Mistakes of Managing to the Metrics

You’ve likely heard the expression, “What gets measured, gets managed.” And companies have improved their capability to measure dozens, or sometimes hundreds of data points that reflect how the business is performing. Unfortunately, managers are falling into the trap of “teaching to the test” which means that they harp on the metrics without coaching the […]

Sports coaching vs the voodoo approach

Historically, trainers and coaches rely on the trickle down method of impacting an organization: train or coach the boss and then everyone who reports to that person will change their behavior and the organization will benefit. Or sometimes the opposite approach is taken – put the staff/employees through training, thinking that will change things, only […]

Conflict and change coexist

When you hear the word conflict, it has negative associations with words like argument, war, battle, and disagreement. In reality, conflict should be embraced as being essential to a healthy organization. The majority of employees (and many supervisors and managers) avoid conflict because of the assumption that conflict is destructive. Conflict is expected and desired […]

5 Tips for First-Time Managers

Jennifer King, HR Analyst at Software Advice, posted an excellent list of five tips for newly-promoted managers. She built this list from interviewing managers and practitioners. Read the whole post: http://blog.softwareadvice.com/articles/hr/5-tips-for-first-time-managers-1031912/ The five steps include: the need to get to know your team and what motivates them learning to shift your sense of satisfaction to […]

Want a great culture? Focus on these three things

The culture of your organization will either ensure your long term success or potentially leave your organization vulnerable to external threats. An effective culture leads to innovation, agility, great customer service, higher profit margins and high employee engagement. A weak culture creates and reinforces resistance to change, erratic financial performance, high employee absenteeism and turnover, […]