Jason Gscheidmeier: Mastering Leadership Development

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Strategies for Effective Leadership

In a recent episode of the Accelerating Operational Performance podcast, host Greg Schinkel welcomed Jason Gscheidmeier, Director of Specialty Services at LACOSTA Facility Support Services. With over 20 years of experience in senior management, Jason shared valuable insights from building high-performance teams to navigating setbacks and challenges. His experiences offer a roadmap for aspiring and established leaders alike.

To learn more about Greg and  Jason’s leadership philosophies and gain more actionable insights, watch the full episode here or listen to their conversation here.

Building High-Performance Teams through Trust, Collaboration, and Psychological Safety

Building high-performance teams is rooted in trust, collaboration, honesty, and transparency. A key element in this approach is fostering psychological safety, where team members feel safe to express their ideas and take risks without fear of negative consequences. This environment encourages open communication and mutual support, which are crucial for achieving outstanding results.

Creating such a team begins with the hiring process and extends through regular, purposeful meetings aimed at supporting the business, its employees, and its customers.

Jason’s approach to leadership involves more than just assembling talented individuals; it is about creating an environment where they can thrive. To foster a thriving environment, creating a welcoming space is vital, then holding steadfast to mentoring and experiential learning play crucial roles in developing the skills needed for success.

“Part of that leader’s job is to create that environment for people to feel safe and to feel comfortable and to stretch in ways that at times felt vulnerable.”

The significance of psychological safety aligns with modern leadership principles, acknowledging that employees contribute their best when they feel secure and valued. 

Key Insight: Building high-performance teams requires fostering an environment of trust, collaboration, honesty, and psychological safety. This approach allows team members to express ideas and take risks without fear of negative consequences, promoting open communication and mutual support.

Strategy: Create a supportive environment starting from the hiring process and maintain it through regular, purposeful meetings.

Impact: When team members operate in an environment that prioritizes psychological safety and trust, they are more likely to engage fully, perform at high levels, and contribute to the organization’s success. This leads to outstanding results, high levels of performance, and increased team satisfaction.

Learning from Setbacks and Challenges

Jason candidly discussed the learning opportunities that arise from setbacks and challenges, emphasizing their crucial role in personal and professional growth. 

Underscoring the value of self-awareness and adaptability, Jason admitted to feeling pride in delivering results through his own efforts early in his career. However, as he progressed, he realized that true leadership involves empowering others to achieve their best.

One key lesson is the importance of delegating responsibilities and allowing others to take charge. Trying to be the person who helps deliver, answer questions or drive the results can actually deflate employees. To grow as a leader, teach yourself to step back and create opportunities for others to excel.

The process of learning from setbacks is continuous and involves a reciprocal relationship with the team. Leaders who demonstrate care and commitment create an environment where team members feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks. This mutual understanding and trust enable teams to navigate challenges more effectively and emerge stronger.

Jason’s approach to setbacks is about creating a culture where challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth and resilience-building. He believes in fostering a team that is adaptable, confident, and ready to face future obstacles with a positive mindset. 

There is a big difference between a hard-nosed, push-driven leadership style and a collaborative, coaching-oriented style. While both styles can produce results, the latter fosters goodwill, loyalty, and capability, leading to sustainable success and healthier team relationships.

“Every setback is a learning opportunity. It’s important to reflect, adjust, and move forward stronger than before.”

This mindset not only enhances personal and team growth but also drives long-term success and innovation.

Key Insight: Setbacks and challenges are crucial for growth and should be embraced as learning opportunities.

Strategy: Create a supportive environment where mistakes are part of the learning process. Delegate effectively, show care and commitment, and reflect on setbacks to strengthen the team.

Impact: Viewing setbacks as growth opportunities enhances team resilience and adaptability, leading to long-term success and improved team dynamics.

The Value of Mentorship and Continuous Learning

Mentorship and continuous learning are crucial elements for personal and professional development. Effective mentors provide invaluable insights and create space for growth. The importance of mentorship is clear: learning from those who have previously navigated similar paths can offer unique guidance and perspective. A few tips for mentorship:

  1. A leader should be proactive in seeking out mentorship as it can significantly impact one’s career. 
  2. Approach individuals who are respected and trusted but understand that not every mentor-mentee relationship will be perfect.
  3. Engage with organizations and opportunities that offer new perspectives and knowledge. 

This proactive approach to learning and growth is vital for leadership development. Continuous learning, adapting to new experiences, and a commitment to learning from both successes and failures highlight the importance of self-awareness and the willingness to evolve.

Key Insight: Mentorship and continuous learning are essential for personal and professional development. They offer valuable guidance and foster growth through experience.

Strategy: Actively seek mentorship from respected individuals and engage with opportunities that provide new perspectives. Embrace continuous learning and adapt to both successes and failures.

Impact: Proactively pursuing mentorship and committing to ongoing learning enhances leadership development, self-awareness, and career growth, leading to more effective and adaptable professionals.

Finding Your Path: Advice for Early-Career Professionals

Whether you are pursuing a technical profession or aspiring to become an operational leader, these insights can help you navigate your career journey and unlock your full potential.

“You’ve got to understand, and I think we too often learn this too late, but knowing where you lose track of time, knowing where your energy is lifted every day…that becomes the space that you’re likely going to succeed.”

Know Yourself

Jason emphasized the importance of self-awareness. It is easy to get caught up and feel misaligned in your career and not pay attention to true passions.

To avoid a similar detour, invest time in self-reflection. Ask yourself:

  • What activities make you lose track of time?
  • When do you feel most energized and fulfilled?
  • What kind of work environments and cultures resonate with you?

These questions are not always easy to answer, but the insights gained are invaluable. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and interests will guide you toward a career path that aligns with who you are and what you want to achieve.

Building Relationships: The Power of Connection

While self-reflection is essential, the power of relationships should not be underestimated. Building connections with senior colleagues can offer invaluable mentorship and open doors to new opportunities. Engaging with experienced professionals, such as inviting them for lunch or initiating meaningful conversations, can provide fresh perspectives and guidance.

These interactions can significantly impact your career, often leading to opportunities that might not arise from traditional job postings. Cultivating relationships with those who believe in you can be a crucial factor in advancing your career and achieving your goals.

Mentorship: A Two-Way Street

While formal programs can be helpful, the most meaningful mentor-mentee relationships often develop organically. When you connect with individuals you respect and trust, do not hesitate to ask for guidance. Be open to their insights and experiences and prepared to offer your own perspectives in return. Mentorship is a two-way street, and both parties can benefit from the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Understanding the Excellence, Competence, and Annoyance Model

This model effectively encapsulates the various zones of professional activities that impact one’s energy and satisfaction levels.

  1. The Circle of Excellence represents tasks and roles that align with an individual’s strengths and energize and motivate them. This zone is where passion and skill converge, creating a space where one can perform at one’s best and feel deeply satisfied. Identifying one’s Circle of Excellence is a dynamic and ongoing process, often evolving throughout a person’s career. Initially, it may not be immediately clear what activities fall into this category, but with time and experience, it becomes more apparent.
  2. The Circle of Competence includes tasks that individuals are proficient at but do not necessarily enjoy. These activities can become routine parts of a job but might not provide the same level of fulfillment as those in the Circle of Excellence. 
  3. The Circle of Annoyance consists of tasks that neither align with one’s strengths nor provide enjoyment. These activities drain energy and can lead to frustration for both the individual and those around them. It is often through experience that one identifies these tasks, realizing over time which activities do not resonate with one’s skills or interests.

It is crucial to notice what tasks and roles energize you and which ones drain you. While passion alone may not be the sole driver of career success, enjoying what you do is critical for long-term satisfaction and effectiveness. Without this enjoyment, it is challenging to sustain success or fulfillment in one’s career.

Key Insight: To navigate their career paths effectively, early-career professionals should focus on self-awareness, relationship-building, and finding their Circle of Excellence.


  1. Know Yourself: Reflect on what energizes you and aligns with your passions.
  2. Build Relationships: Cultivate connections with senior colleagues for mentorship and opportunities.
  3. Seek Meaningful Mentorship: Develop organic mentor-mentee relationships that offer mutual benefits.
  4. Find Your Circle of Excellence: Identify and pursue areas where your skills and passions intersect.

Impact: Early-career professionals can chart a fulfilling and successful career path by understanding their strengths, fostering valuable connections, and continuously seeking growth opportunities.

“Everybody struggles with the concept of, ‘I’m going to succeed by helping other people succeed.’”

The Mindset Shift of First-Time Leaders

A leader’s primary role is to create an environment where their team members can thrive. This means prioritizing their team’s success over individual achievements.

Jason acknowledged that this shift in perspective can be challenging, but once leaders internalize this principle, they become more invested in their team’s development and are better equipped to handle difficult situations. They learn to see their team members’ failures and frustrations as opportunities for growth rather than personal setbacks.

Creating a supportive and organized environment is key to fostering team success. When team members understand the rules of the game, their goals, and the company’s values, they are empowered to perform at their best. Leaders who can clearly communicate these expectations and provide the necessary resources set their teams up for success.

It is important to remember that leadership is a journey, not a destination. Even the most experienced leaders have faced setbacks and challenges along the way.

For those transitioning into leadership roles, Jason’s advice is clear: focus on your team’s success, create a supportive environment, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. 

Remember, leadership is about empowering others to achieve their full potential, and in doing so, you will ultimately achieve your own.

Key Insight: First-time leaders must shift their mindset from personal success to prioritizing their team’s success, viewing team members’ growth as integral to their own achievements.

Strategy: Embrace challenges, viewing setbacks as opportunities for collective learning and improvement. Clear communication about goals, values, and expectations is essential for team alignment. 

Impact: Adopting this mindset allows new leaders to build supportive and effective teams, fostering a culture of growth and resilience that enhances overall success and personal development.

The Learning Zone: Striking the Right Balance

Showing genuine care for your team members is crucial, even while setting high expectations. It is important for team members to understand that caring deeply about their success is a fundamental part of leadership. The goal is to support them in achieving their best and accomplishing great things, balancing empathy with a commitment to high standards.

Pushing people beyond their comfort zones into the learning zone is where real development occurs, but it requires a delicate balance. Leaders must act as a safety net, providing support and guidance while encouraging their team members to take risks and learn from their mistakes.

The learning zone is where individuals experience the most significant learning and development. It is a place of discomfort, where challenges are embraced and new skills are acquired. However, it is important for leaders to recognize when their team members have been pushed too far and are entering the panic zone.

In the panic zone, individuals feel overwhelmed and stressed. They may become demotivated, and their performance will suffer. It is the leader’s responsibility to recognize these signs and provide the necessary support to help their team members regain their footing.

Leadership as a Journey

Jason’s journey reminds us that leadership is not just about driving results but about empowering others to reach their full potential. As you reflect on these insights, consider how you can apply these strategies to your own leadership journey, creating a positive impact on your team and organization.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can assist your organization in achieving its goals, feel free to reach out. Our team is ready to support you in building high-performance teams and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and growth.


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