Microlearning for Manufacturing Training

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Microlearning in Manufacturing: Quick Wins for Industry Training

Microlearning gives you small, focused lessons or tiny bits of information. It offers short and easy-to-understand content, usually under 10-minute chunks. It is made to match how people today like to learn, letting them get information quickly and easily.

This can come in different forms, like short videos, fun quizzes, simple articles, or images with information. It is used to teach specific things or share details about a particular topic. Supervisors can learn at their own pace, whenever and wherever they want, using devices like phones or computers.

The main rules are to focus on one thing at a time, keep it short, and make it easy for people to access. It has become popular in many companies because it is a fast and effective way to learn new things.

How Can Microlearning Enhance Manufacturing Training

Microlearning for manufacturing takes complex concepts and breaks them down into manageable, bite-sized pieces of knowledge. This technology-driven approach takes employee training from in-classroom settings to online platforms. Whether instructor-led or self-paced, different learning options allow individuals to navigate content at their own time and align the learning with their schedules and styles.

With this method a 10-hour leadership program becomes a series of standalone topics, each addressing specific subtopics crucial for leadership success. Topics such as conflict management, effective communication, change management, and motivation. These maintain a connection to the theme of leadership, yet empower learners to focus on the areas that resonate with their current interests or needs. This personalized learning increases involvement and ensures that the supervisors are receiving knowledge aligned with their duties. This approach to learning is a more effective and efficient experience.

a breakdown of how 8 hours of a training day can be broken down into mico-modules.


Training often begins with an intensive onboarding experience, resembling a metaphorical “drinking from the firehose” scenario. The problem with this is that now individuals are left to navigate their roles independently. Organizations rely on the hope that they retain everything covered during the initial onboarding.

Consider a front line supervisor who, after leading their team for eight months, discovers a change initiative is coming down the pipeline. They received some information about change management during their promotion eight months ago. That information is now hazy, embedded in a larger training program with other topics. Faced with the daunting task of announcing the change to the team, the supervisor experiences apprehension, anticipating pushback and frustration without having clear instructions.

In a microlearning environment, the supervisor could opt for an e-learning course centered on change management and strategies to increase team buy-in. Though it might only take 1 or 2 hours, it would be exactly what that supervisor needs when it is essential. The supervisor can confidently communicate the impending change to their team.

Benefits of Microlearning

The expectations for each learning session become smaller and more manageable. Instead of facing the daunting prospect of a lengthy 20-hour program with numerous topics and sub-topics. Learners experience a sense of accomplishment after completing a short 1- or 2-hour session.

Microlearning can boost confidence and fuel a desire to engage in further training, creating a cycle of continuous upskilling.

In a global manufacturing company, where time is often limited, and employees have little control over their schedules, using microlearning for training becomes a great asset. With online classes that can be completed in as little as 30 minutes, it aligns with the time constraints, providing flexibility and accessibility.

Another benefit, which was touched upon already, is its ability to offer “just-in-time” or needs-based training. By delivering training precisely when the learner needs it, it is more likely to be remembered and applied. Organizations, particularly those investing in leadership training, recognize the value of providing shorter, targeted portions of training over an extended period. The benefits are a deeper understanding and knowledge retention.

All these benefits enhance the likelihood that workers will revisit or retake a course to refresh their knowledge. The ease of accessibility and the manageable time commitment contribute to continuous learning. Microlearning is being used for training because of its efficient knowledge transfer, adaptability, and consistency in professional development.

Using Microlearning in Manufacturing

In an industry where every minute on the floor contributes to production, this way of learning can become a strategic asset, allowing supervisors to build their skills without the need for extended absences.

The nature of operations often makes it challenging to gather an entire shift or team simultaneously. Managers and supervisors can access microlearning modules at their convenience during breaks, shift changes, or brief downtimes in production. This on-the-go accessibility ensures that learning and development become part of the daily or weekly routine.

By recognizing the time constraints and operational demands, organizations can us this to their advantage as a powerful tool to empower their leaders. In doing so, they encourage continuous improvement, ensuring that skill development remains constant, integral, and non-disruptive within companies.

Case Study and Success Story

This is a real example of what Walmart was dealing with when it came to training their staff. What the challenge was, the solution they came up with and the results they saw with microlearning.

Challenge: Walmart, one of the world’s largest retail chains, faced the challenge of providing consistent and effective training to its extensive leaders. With people in various roles and locations, traditional training methods proved to be time-consuming and less engaging.

Solution: Walmart implemented a microlearning approach to address training challenges. They developed a mobile-friendly microlearning platform called “Academies” that offered short, interactive modules on various topics, including customer service, safety protocols, and product knowledge. Staff could access these modules at their convenience, allowing for flexibility in their learning schedules.


  1. Improved Employee Engagement: Modules were designed to be brief and interactive, leading to increased engagement among staff, and making the training process more enjoyable.
  2. Consistent Training Across Locations: The platform ensured that people across different stores received consistent training, maintaining uniform standards in customer service and operational procedures.
  3. Quick Adaptation to Changes: Walmart used this method to swiftly train staff on new policies, product launches, or safety protocols, ensuring that everyone remained updated on the latest information.

Walmart’s use of microlearning demonstrates how this approach can be effective in large retail settings, addressing the challenges of training a diverse group with varied roles and responsibilities.

Measuring ROI in Skill Development

In the context of skill development, ROI is a metric used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of training initiatives by comparing the gains in performance or outcomes against the costs associated with the training.

Here’s a breakdown of the key components involved:

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define specific objectives aligned with organizational goals.
  2. Calculate Total Costs: Assess all costs associated with training, including materials, instructor fees, and supervisor time.
  3. Quantify Skill Improvement: Develop methods to measure and quantify improvements in targeted skills.
  4. Assign Monetary Value: Translate enhanced skills into tangible financial benefits, such as increased productivity.
  5. Calculate: Use the formula ROI = (Cost of Investment / Net Gain) × 100 to determine the return on investment.

By following these steps, organizations can gauge the impact of programs and make informed decisions about future investments.

Employee Engagement and Competitive Advantage

Microlearning offers a flexible learning experience, allowing supervisors to engage in short, focused sessions at their convenience. This flexibility enhances engagement by accommodating different learning preferences and schedules.

The increased accessibility of microlearning, being accessible online, enables employees to easily participate from various locations. This accessibility removes barriers related to time and location, ensuring widespread participation and making learning more inclusive.

Furthermore, it offers a competitive edge through rapid proficiency growth. By focusing on specific competencies, this approach enables quick learning, ensuring that supervisors stay current with best practices and industrial requirements.

These advantages contribute to heightened employee engagement and position companies competitively.

Training in the Manufacturing Industry

At Unique Training & Development explore how our microlearning courses can meet your specific training requirements. The success or failure of a manufacturing organization significantly hinges on its leadership. In industries like manufacturing, distribution, and operations, ineffective leaders can lead to high turnover rates, eroding the core strength of your people.

On-the-job demands and operational pressures often prevent supervisors, managers or front line leaders from participating in essential programs, leaving critical competency gaps in leadership and negatively impacting team morale and productivity.

We offer flexible, impactful microlearning for your leaders. Initiate a conversation with our team and explore how our microlearning content can be seamlessly integrated into your manufacturing training strategy. By investing in targeted leadership development, you empower your organization to drive meaningful change, and positively impact the growth of your company.


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