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employees talking

Put A Stop To Unwanted Chatter

What do you do when people take too much time socializing when they should be working? It’s a tough situation because most people think a little bit of socializing is okay, it’s only when it gets carried away that it becomes a problem. This is all based on the concept that a steady pace of […]

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manufacturing employees

Get Employees To Do Jobs They Don’t Like

How do you, as the leader, get people to do the less desirable jobs on your team? Inevitably, there are some jobs employees prefer not to do. It’s important you rotate employees through those less desirable jobs so it doesn’t create favoritism or reverse favoritism punishment. How can you reduce the resistance? Give them a […]

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leader with dominant team member

Dealing With Dominant Personalities

How can you as a front line supervisor deal with dominant personalities on your team? There are two types of defensiveness people use to protect themselves. Passive defensive, and aggressive defensive. We’re not going to focus on passive defensive, which simply means  the person protects themself by laying low and following the rules and checking […]

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beneficial conflict

Can Conflict Be Beneficial?

How can conflict increase performance? It shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that conflict is usually viewed in a negative way. After all, it can either be destructive or it could create breakthroughs in a positive way. Remember  conflict is totally natural and normal at work. There will be disagreements over methods or goals, and […]

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team problem solving

The Secret to Team Problem Solving

How can you as a front line leader help teams solve problems better and unlock greater potential in your team? In our training, we use interactive survival simulations, and it’s fair to say the teams that participate in the training don’t always do as well as they would like. Let’s look at some of the […]

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leader and worker having disciplinary talk

Master Disciplinary Talks

How can you as a supervisor become more confident during a disciplinary talk? One of the least favorite parts of being a supervisor is having a disciplinary talk with an employee who has either broken the rules or had an unacceptable performance. There are several reasons why leaders don’t look forward to these talks. First, […]

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leaders letting go

When To Micromanage – When To Let Go

Knowing when to dive in and when to step back is a key skill for any leader. When should you, as the leader, dive in and maybe even micromanage on a short-term basis, and when should you step back and let your team take charge of a situation? Nobody likes it when they’re micromanaged. You […]

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Hiring reality in manufacturing

The Reality Of Hiring

Does your company make promises during the recruiting process that don’t resemble an employee’s actual experience in your company? You may have experienced this yourself. Remember a job you accepted that didn’t reflect the reality of what you experienced after you started the job? It could have been due to a variety of different elements […]

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supervisor and employee looking at rules

Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules?

How can you get your newer employees to identify stupid rules? You could make your workplace more appealing and discover opportunities to improve things by tapping into the fresh perspectives that newer workers bring to the workplace. A new person joining your workplace is going to have a totally different experience than the employees who’ve […]

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Manufacturing worker using logic

Logic VS Gut Feeling

Is it better to listen to your gut, or should you go with what the data says? Your gut is a culmination of all the experiences you’ve had and the emotions that went along with those experiences. Your gut does tell you a lot, and your intuition is important. I have my pilot’s license, even […]

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