AOP & Leader Feeder Podcast Episodes

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The Good Thing About Incompetence

Did you know that being conscious and transparent about incompetence can be a good thing? Most of us don’t like to be told that we’re incompetent. And in many cases, people tend to get defensive instead of admitting that they don’t know something. But it can be very helpful to admit when you don’t know, […]

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Avoid These Disciplinary Mistakes

Are you making these disciplinary mistakes? If so, you may be creating a worse situation with your employees. Correcting unacceptable behavior and performance is a part of a leader’s responsibilities. But as a leader, when you don’t do it well, you’ll end up more frustrated than before you started. So, let’s take a look at […]

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How Leaders Get Fired: Not Engaging With Their Team

The results are disastrous when a team leader stops engaging with his or her team. Some leaders mistakenly think that their job is to stay in their office and avoid interacting with their team, and communicate only by email. That is a recipe for disaster. I remember one leader who I was asked to coach. He rarely interacted […]

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Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

Want to stop losing employees? Consider creating a positive “hope slope” in your department. Employees don’t make the decision to leave your company, or stay, based on whether the environment is terrible or awesome. They make the decision based on whether things are getting better or getting worse. Your job as the leader is to give employees hope that you […]

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Be The Leader of Choice

In today’s Leader Feeder, we’ll look at how you can be the leader of choice to help you recruit and retain talented workers. When the economy is running well, many companies find it a challenge to recruit and retain talented workers. They want to be the employer of choice. For your company to be the […]

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Stop Complaining About the Other Shift

Does your team complain about how the other shift leaves your department in terms of messiness, low inventory or lack of supplies? In this leader feeder, we’re going to learn why you should stop complaining about the other shift. When the employees on your shift complain about the previous one, do you join in on that complaining? It […]

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Successful Shift Startup Meetings

You, as a front line leader, need to know how to conduct successful shift startup meetings to start your team’s day off right. Many leaders will conduct a short, five-minute meeting to start the shift. Sometimes it’s called a toolbox meeting or a tailboard meeting. It’s designed to be a standup gathering of your team […]

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Praise: How to See and Say it

Let’s look at praise: how to see it and how to say it. Every leadership program, including ours, will tell you that positive reinforcement is a good thing. It helps motivate your team and builds on the good things happening in your department. The question for you is how many good things are happening on […]

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Motivate by Not Demotivating

We’ve talked about team motivation in previous Leader Feeder episodes, but we haven’t talked about demotivation – the things you do as a leader that can actually demotivate your team. These demotivators should be eliminated first before you worry about how to motivate your team. Here are a few of the top demotivators to avoid […]

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Create a Thriving Subculture

Even if the rest of your organization has somewhat of a dysfunctional culture, your own department’s subculture can thrive. Think about the various departments in your organization. Would you say that all of them have the same culture? Or does each department, shift, or location have its own unique subculture? Most people report that different […]

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