Leading by Example

Podcast: Leader Feeder by Unique Training & Development

Employees listen with their eyes more than their ears. They watch the example you set more than the words they hear you say. As a front line leader, it is important to walk the talk and practice what you preach. In theory, it is a simple concept — if you tell your employees that you expect them […]

The Importance of Explaining WHY

Dr Ellen Langer, Harvard Psychology Professor, did an interesting experiment using lineups of students waiting to make photocopies in the Harvard University library. In round one of the experiment, she had one of her graduate students go up to the front of the line and ask, “Can I get in front of you to make […]

Very common in leadership training programs, is the recommendation for leaders to give more praise and positive feedback. It seems like common sense to be more positive, yet many managers and supervisors still focus on the negative. Here are a few reasons why we don’t offer more praise: We don’t get much praise ourselves. We […]

Are great leaders born or made? While having certain personality characteristics might make it easier to succeed as a leader, most leaders are made over time, based on their experiences, the training and coaching that they’ve received and through their own self awareness and self reflection. Getting feedback from others can help you be a […]

Of all the significant leadership characteristics and behaviors, one of the most important is curiosity. Take the example of a driver cutting off another driver in traffic. Most reactions would be one of anger or aggravation. A curious person might wonder what kind of day that person is having or wonder why they’re in such […]