Stop Ghosting People

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Stop Ghosting People

Stop Ghosting People Leadership Ghosting

Not responding to emails, phone calls or requests could be hurting your reputation and career. There is a tendency these days for people to not get back to people. As you get busier and busier, it’s possible that you’ll start letting things slip, but being less responsive could be hurting your reputation and your career. […]

Confronting Excessive Personal Breaks

Confronting Excessive Personal Breaks Excessive breaks

Some employees abuse the system and take advantage of personal breaks. How should you, as a leader, deal with employees who take excessive bathroom or personal breaks? Previously, we talked about how to deal with an employee who has body odor issues. But excessive personal breaks can also be a touchy subject. It’s a common complaint. […]

Embrace Progressive Discipline

Embrace Progressive Discipline

 Although difficult, it’s important that every front line leader learns how to embrace progressive discipline as a tool to create behavior change. Before we go any further, let’s make sure we all understand what we mean by progressive discipline. It’s the process of applying increasingly severe consequences when an employee fails to correct a […]