Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

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Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

What do you do when you get low culture survey results? A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 80% of employees say that workplace culture is a crucial factor in their decision to stay in an organization. Whenever someone shares with me that they quit their position and moved on to […]

Empowering Plant Managers to Lead Successfully

Empowering Plant Managers to Lead Successfully

Empowering Plant Managers Improves Performance The issue we are addressing today is the behavior of plant managers that lead by empowering and those who micromanage. Plant managers, directors, or VPs of operations believe good plant managers need to be heavily involved in every aspect of the facility. This expectation instills the micromanaging behavior that plant […]

4 Ways to Recognize Shop Floor Employees

4 Ways to Recognize Shop Floor Employees

Why it is Important to Recognize Shop Floor Employees Most leaders and companies do not realize how impactful recognition is in the workplace. There are 3 reasons why that is: Unnecessary: Your hard labor is recognized and acknowledged in your salary.  Too Expensive: Time and money are not essential expenses for the business.  Top Performers […]

The Reasons Why Manufacturing Leaders Help Retain More Employees

The Reasons Why Manufacturing Leaders Help Retain More Employees

Retaining employees is a real issue in manufacturing, and it is not because these workers detest the idea of remaining at any job longer than a year. This perception can influence your behavior, which results in that self-fulfilling prophecy coming true. Do They Have a Reason to Stay? The fact is that an employee who […]