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Tag: Managing Change

To Promote From Within, or Not: That is the Question

To Promote From Within, or Not: That is the Question

Promoting from within is still a good idea, despite many of the pitfalls involved. Most of the people in our training classes report being promoted from within. There are several advantages that come along with it. For instance, they know the work; they have a better understanding of how the company operates, and they already […]

To Promote From Within, or Not: That is the Question

To Promote From Within, or Not: That is the Question

 Read, watch, or both: the following is a transcript of the video above. Promoting from within is still a good idea, despite many of the pitfalls involved. Most of the people in our training classes report being promoted from within. There are several advantages that come along with it. For instance, they know the […]

Conflict and change coexist

When you hear the word conflict, it has negative associations with words like argument, war, battle, and disagreement. In reality, conflict should be embraced as being essential to a healthy organization. The majority of employees (and many supervisors and managers) avoid conflict because of the assumption that conflict is destructive. Conflict is expected and desired […]