Embrace Challenge

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Embrace Challenge

Embrace Challenge construction worker stressed

 Why should you, as a leader, embrace challenges? It’s tempting to think that challenging events and situations are only stressful and negative, but they can also contribute to some of your greatest strengths as a human being and leader. Here are three tips to reframe your thinking about challenges: Tip number one is to […]

Clone Your Top Performers

Clone Your Top Performers two metal workers

 What if you, as a leader, could clone your top performers? Many leaders fantasize about having the ability to clone their top performers, so they have even more of them in their work group. Of course, we are not talking about a lab experiment where we extract DNA from your best people and breed […]

Unlock The Secret To Top Performance

Unlock The Secret To Top Performance Manufacturing worker

 Should you think of your employees as athletes? Today, I want to talk about an article I read recently that talked about how athletes are conquering distance and whether you can apply some of those same concepts to elevate your team’s performance. The article was in the Wall Street Journal, and it talked about […]

Are You Using Teamwork To Your Advantage?

Are You Using Teamwork To Your Advantage? two blue collar workers in factory

Many leaders believe that their team doesn’t want to help problem solve or make things better in the department. Some even believe that their team is actively working against their success. This mindset is a big mistake, as it impedes your ability to make the kinds of improvements your department needs in order to satisfy […]