Are You Using Teamwork To Your Advantage?

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Many leaders believe that their team doesn’t want to help problem solve or make things better in the department. Some even believe that their team is actively working against their success.

This mindset is a big mistake, as it impedes your ability to make the kinds of improvements your department needs in order to satisfy your customers, increase productivity, and drive better outcomes.

Here’s three tips to help you change this mindset:

Tip number one: stop trying to solve everything on your own.

Many leaders mistakenly think because they were promoted, they have to solve all the problems on their own. The reality is that your team has knowledge and experience that can help you problem solve if you call on them.

When you ask your team members for input, you can then give them credit and recognition, and they will be more likely to be helpful moving forward.

Many #leaders believe that their team doesn't want to help problem solve or make things better in the department. Some even believe that their #team is actively working against their success. This mindset is a big mistake. Share on X

Tip number two: allow your team to help you run the department.

You don’t have to do everything, make every decision, and solve every problem on your own. Your team members can help with troubleshooting, scheduling, or other tasks.

Roofer worker in protective uniform wear and gloves,using air or pneumatic nail gun and installing asphalt shingle on top of the new roof,Concept of residential building under construction.

For example, if a department is so reliant on you that you can’t take a break or take vacation time because you are needed every day, you need to coach your employees to understand how processes work, what problems they might encounter, how to prevent them, and what to do when they arise.

Trust your team to help you run the department, and they will be more motivated and engaged than ever.

Trust your team to help you run the department, and they will be more motivated and engaged than ever. Share on X

Tip number three is to remove obstacles that frustrate your team.

It is inevitable that you and your team will run into obstacles. You might see these obstacles and decide to simply accept them.

Instead, I recommend helping your team overcome them. This might mean finding a way around them, asking for help from other departments, or helping your team cope with them.

Once you’ve recognized that your team is your ally in generating results, you won’t feel the need to do everything yourself.

Why not let your team help you? It motivates them and generates better results.