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How can you embrace and recognize milestones?

Many leaders, especially high achieving ones, tend to focus on the next milestone and do not recognize the importance of acknowledging current success.

Use these three tips to acknowledge milestones with your team:

  1. Savor the moment.

Celebrate, and feel the success that comes with it. Even sports teams recognize that their team needs to feel good about their wins. Yes, they will be focused on the next game, but they must feel good about their wins because they need to know how it feels to win.

Savor the moment, do not let it pass without some degree of acknowledgement or celebration.

  1. Give your team the glory.

Make sure that your team feels good about successes. Even when you are taking those accomplishments up to the management team, make sure you give your team all the acknowledgement for their contributions. Even though you, as a leader, can feel a sense of pride, you will look way better in the eyes of your team if you make it their win, not your win.

One way to acknowledge success is to give your team the glory. Discover three tips to acknowledge milestones with your team. Share on X
  1. Avoid the “but.”

Some leaders will acknowledge the team successes and then they will say, but we can do even better in the future. There is no such thing as a finish line when it comes to things like continuous improvement and waste elimination and looking after the customer.

You are making a big mistake if, at the same time you give praise, you are immediately telling people, “but we can do even better next time.” Let the team savor the win that they have had. Give them the glory and the acknowledgement. Save your, “we can do even better” for a different day.

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