Become The HR Hero Your Supervisors Need

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If you work in HR in manufacturing, how can you provide the support your manufacturing leaders need? As the HR team, you can provide the kind of support your supervisors need to be successful.

HR teams can really struggle with how to provide the support that their supervisors need while building the trust between the supervisors. This is why the HR department is crucial to being successful as an organization.
HR teams can really struggle with how to provide the support that their supervisors need while building the trust between the supervisors. This is why the HR department is crucial to being successful as an organization Share on X

The Business Myth Frontline Supervisors Believe

There is a myth that exists that frontline supervisors fall for. They often do not even think that they need training but they also know when areas need improvement. Most supervisors will focus more on the resources they think that they need and that the company should provide, for them to be successful.

Distinguish Between Preferences and Requirements

During a past training session with several supervisors, we facilitated in Atlanta, Georgia, one of the things that were mentioned as a pain point was the things that they did NOT have. “If my company provided this, this, and this, life would be amazing.”

What they seemed to be oblivious to was that their actions as a supervisor had more to do with:

Instead, the focus was on whether or not they had gadgets that they wished the company had provided.

How to Bridge the Gap with Leaders

What do we do when there is a disconnect? How can HR really close that gap so that leaders recognize what they need to be successful? 

Here are a few ways that HR leaders can provide support to their manufacturing leaders:

Solution #1: Listen and Observe Your Leaders in Action 

When you watch your supervisors interact with the people on their crews or their teams, you are going to notice what kinds of interactions they do well, and which ones cause them the most grief and frustration. This helps you build a priority list of the things that you could do to build their effectiveness.

Solution #2: Link their Frustrations to their Current Approach

For example, many supervisors do not realize that they are doing the very things that are causing them grief with their team. This is where you can draw the link between their typical frustrations and the leadership approach that they are taking.
Many supervisors do not realize that they are doing the very things that are causing them grief with their team. Share on X

Solution #3: Show How Your Solution Will Reduce Their Frustrations 

Any training that you provide can help your supervisors reduce their own frustrations. If you draw that direct connection, your supervisor looks forward to the training that you provide which will help you become more supportive as an HR team. This will also gain the trust of your manufacturing leaders.

Next Steps for HR Leaders

Once you have accomplished this, and you are ready to acquire more skills, you can reach out to us at Front Line Leadership Training. By doing so, you will discover for yourself why we are the number one resource for training supervisors in a manufacturing and operations environment. 

It starts with a conversation on our website at or you can connect with us on one of the many social media channels that we are active in. 

No matter how you reach out and start that conversation, we look forward to being your partners in leadership excellence.