Are You Using Teamwork To Your Advantage?
Many leaders believe that their team doesn’t want to help problem solve or make things better in the department. Some even believe that their team is actively working against their success. This mindset is a big mistake, as it impedes your ability to make the kinds of improvements your department needs in order to […]
MoreHelp Your Team Be “Right”
How do you, as a leader, make your team feel “right” or good about what they’re doing, so they can build on those successes? It has been said that one of the basic human needs, especially in the workplace, is a sense of security that you’re competent and doing something right. It’s important, as […]
MoreLet’s Talk Workplace Problem Solving
Instead of complaining about problems, try converting them into projects to improve your department. Here are three tips for converting problems into projects. Tip number one: don’t just accept the problem, be determined to fix it. It can be tempting to complain about things that frustrate you instead of looking for a solution, but […]
MoreThree Tips for Encouraging Leadership
Are you an encouraging or discouraging leader? As a leader, it’s crucial for you to be more encouraging than discouraging. Not only will it impact your organization’s results, but it will also increase the morale and attitude of your group – and in the end, it will make your job as a leader easier. […]
MoreInterpersonal Skills & Leadership
Should leaders place more focus on their technical strengths or their interpersonal capability? You might think technical skills are the most important skill sets to have, but it turns out that your employees will judge your leadership on your interpersonal skills. Think about the best manager or supervisor you have ever worked for. When […]
MoreKeeping Employees Motivated
How can you ensure that standardizing work doesn’t inadvertently cause your employees to become demotivated? When work becomes routine and repetitive, employees can lose motivation. Here are three tips to keep work interesting. The first tip is to avoid dumbing down the work. This can happen as you try to make things more standardized […]
MoreBeing Heard As An Introverted Leader
If you are an introverted leader, you might feel your colleagues get more credit than they deserve, and you might not be getting proper credit and acknowledgement for the contributions you make. It can be irritating if you are a self-contained introvert and you are seeing your extroverted colleagues get more credit and accolades […]
MoreLeadership Tips To Avoid Bureaucracy
Why is it that companies with more bureaucratic cultures tend to make a big deal about little things? You don’t have to be a government agency or a publicly funded institution to have a bureaucratic culture. Bureaucracy develops in many large established companies. A bureaucracy in and of itself is not a bad thing—after […]
MoreAre You Creating Your Own Frustrations?
There are three common frustrations leaders have with their workgroups, that can be linked back to what they, as the leader, are doing. The first frustration that can be linked back to a leader’s actions is employees who are not accountable. Leaders want employees to take ownership and be accountable. They want their workers […]