What Kind of Supervisor Are You?

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What kind of supervisor are you?

There is a big difference between a supervisor that does the bare minimum and one that is determined to thrive as a leader.

At Unique Development, we have seen both. We have trained thousands of leaders from companies in manufacturing, supply chain, logistics and warehousing and other operational environments.

We have found that some supervisors rise to the very top and the pinnacle, while many others continue to do the bare minimum. Choose the former.

If that is you, read on for three observations from excellent supervisors – and learn how to elevate your leadership skills.

1. Bring energy and positivity.

Excellent leaders move with energy and momentum. They say, “Good morning!” to people and are generally trying to raise the spirits of their team.

Supervisors who do this really make a positive difference – they know that when they bring positive energy, it helps increase productivity, quality, and attention to detail.

2. Balance focus between getting tasks done and relationships.

Many supervisors will either focus solely on getting work done or on their people. A great supervisor will maximize focus on both—getting work done and building relationships with their team. They know that having strong relationships with a focus on work will maximize performance and productivity.

3. Build trust with everyone.

A strong supervisor will build trust with everyone they work with. This trust can be fostered in relationships with direct reports, peers, and management. In terms of “trust”, what we mean is someone who makes promises and keeps them.

Excellent supervisors will make sure to only make promises they can follow through on – and they use specific communication to avoid any misunderstandings. Share on X

With these three observations, you can go from a subpar to an outstanding supervisor with your team.

At Unique Development, we are here to help you build your leadership skills over time. This can be done through on-site training, virtual training, or through our public workshops.

What extra steps do you take to ensure that you are the best supervisor for your team? Hit reply and let me know.