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When Achievers Stall

High achievers are prone to enter a time in their career where they plateau or stall. Perhaps promotions are not coming as fast and furious as they once did or in some cases, they have achieved every goal they have set and have run out of challenges. Achievers will ask themselves, “Is this all there […]


Coaching a Manager Who is Too Tough

In a previous post we examined a manager who was too easy on his team. In many cases an assignment will come in to work with a manager who has the opposite challenge – he or she is too tough on employees. Often these hard-nosed managers tend to work long hours, do the work his […]


Coaching a Manager Who is Too Easy

The Plant Manager was becoming increasingly frustrated. His production manager was struggling to meet plant performance targets and was not getting his team to take ownership of achieving results. The initial diagnosis was that the production manager was being too easy on his team. As with most management problems, only two or three behaviours cause […]


New Audio Program Helps You Get Buy-in to Your Great Ideas

Have you experienced the situation where you think you have been clear in communicating what you want and need, only to be disappointed and frustrated when others do not buy in enthusiastically? Even the most thought-out, logical arguments might create unexpected resistance. That’s exactly why Dr. Peter DeShane and I collaborated to create a brand […]


Leadership Strategies to Grow Sales in a Recession Video

If you missed our live seminar and webinar, now is your opportunity to purchase the recorded version of the one-hour webinar. Watch it personally or get your team together and watch as a group. Click here to preview the program video and purchase it now. This presentation covers the following information designed to help you […]


Latest Podcast Available

The latest episode is now available for the Be A Better Leader audio podcast. This episode covers: What Leaders Can Learn from Dog Obedience Training Growing Sales in a Recession Regaining Your Innovation Mojo Stealing vs. Growing Star Performers and Leaders If you are an iTunes user, you can subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes […]


How to Make a Living From Your Speaking Talent

Comedian Jerry Sienfeld quipped that people fear public speaking more than they fear death; so at a funeral they would prefer to be in the casket instead of delivering the eulogy. Toastmasters has been helping people learn how to get comfortable speaking in front of others and get proficient at the art of public speaking. […]


What can leaders learn from dog obediance training?

After many months of discussion and pleading from my daughter, our family decided to adopt a dog from an animal rescue. Dundee is a cross between a shih tzo and a poodle (a.k.a. a ‘mutt’) and in the past three weeks he has captured our hearts and settled into our family. Not having owned a […]


Leadership Strategies to Grow Sales in a Recession

A number of clients have said that their number one concern right now is how to increase sales revenue. Sales professionals are definitiely pounding the pavement in search of business, however is it as effective as it should be? Now is a great time to refocus sales efforts to increase sales in the short term […]


Check out our redesigned website

After many months of planning and tweaking we have launched our new website. The new site updates many of our program descriptions and gives a better sense of the many services we provide for clients. We also have included some free coaching tips that can help you with many workplace dilemmas. You are invited to […]
