Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

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Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

Combatting Low Culture Survey Results

What do you do when you get low culture survey results? A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 80% of employees say that workplace culture is a crucial factor in their decision to stay in an organization. Whenever someone shares with me that they quit their position and moved on to […]

How to Lead During Difficult Business Conditions

How to Lead During Difficult Business Conditions

How can front line leaders coach for success, even in difficult business conditions? When business conditions start to change for the worse, frontline leaders must work with cutbacks and restructuring. Many people assume that because someone is a leader or supervisor, they will be able to handle these changes but in reality, it requires a […]

Continuous Training for Manufacturing Supervisors

Continuous Training for Manufacturing Supervisors

How important is continuous training for manufacturing supervisors? Training is not a one-time event that you can move on from. People learn over time and manufacturing supervisors require continuous training. Below, we will explore three myths that are commonly assumed when it comes to continuous training.

How to Develop a Supervisor’s Leadership Skills

How to Develop a Supervisor’s Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills of Manufacturing Supervisors What are the leadership skills that manufacturing supervisors need to be most effective? Often, we think that all a supervisor needs to focus on are the skills within their department and their daily duties. However, they need to have a broader understanding of the manufacturing process from the front-end all […]