Leaders Don’t Allow Tasks to Take Time Away from People

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Leaders Don’t Allow Tasks to Take Time Away from People

With business demands and the amount of information increasing, it is tempting for managers to hunker down and spend most of their attention on tasks – dealing with customer/supplier issues, operational issues, answering email, endless meetings and the never ending to-do list. By spending so much time on tasks, the leader tends to spend less […]

What can leaders learn from dog obediance training?

After many months of discussion and pleading from my daughter, our family decided to adopt a dog from an animal rescue. Dundee is a cross between a shih tzo and a poodle (a.k.a. a ‘mutt’) and in the past three weeks he has captured our hearts and settled into our family. Not having owned a […]

Stealing vs. Growing Star Employees

Is your organization better off stealing star employees from a competitor, parachuting a leader in from outside or would it be better to grow your own stars and develop leadership from within? That was the question being addressed by a session presented by the Richard Ivey School of Business at their ING Leadership Centre in […]