Reducing interruptions to be able to get important work done

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Reducing interruptions to be able to get important work done

Reducing interruptions to be able to get important work done

Many leaders say they have trouble getting to their most important tasks because they’re constantly interrupted throughout the work day.  In addition to the daily volume of emails and phone calls, having team members coming by your office with questions, issues or in constant need of approval can be a distraction.  Our Front Line Leadership […]

New Supervisors: Technically Competent but not Leadership Competent

New Supervisors: Technically Competent but not Leadership Competent

The vast majority of new front line supervisors are promoted from within based on their technical skills. They quickly learn that it’s the people dynamic that can be the most frustrating and stressful. One study revealed that most leaders are on the job for 13 years before they get access to leadership training. Learning through […]

Want a great culture? Focus on these three things

The culture of your organization will either ensure your long term success or potentially leave your organization vulnerable to external threats. An effective culture leads to innovation, agility, great customer service, higher profit margins and high employee engagement. A weak culture creates and reinforces resistance to change, erratic financial performance, high employee absenteeism and turnover, […]