Poor listener? Listen up

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Category: Teamwork

Employees Listen With Their Eyes

Whenever a leader is within the sightline of his or her employees, communication is occuring. What message is your face and body language communicating without you even having to open your mouth? Communication continues to be a problem for virtually every organization. You would think that after recognizing the problem for this long we would […]

Massacre of Morale: How to Diagnose and Repair a Rapid Decline in Morale and Attitude

It caught me by surprise to see a dramatic change in morale and attitude with a client I have worked with on a number of occasions. When I last met with them in early 2008, everything was very positive and productive. Then, just recently I came back in to do a refresher session and was […]

Disconnected Leadership: How to align senior management and front line leaders

“My boss needs to take this course.” This is what we hear from supervisors and team leaders who take our front line leadership course. On the other side of the equation I hear the frustrations of senior executives as they question why the rest of the organization doesn’t “get with the program” in terms of […]