Inspire Performance and Results

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How can you build a confident team?

You can build the confidence levels of your team members. If you can help them feel more capable and consistent, then you can inspire them to deliver performance and results for the expectations that you have.

Building Self-Assurance During Uncertain Times

There is this sense of confidence that comes from that self-assurance you feel that what you’re doing is correct and will generate the results that are desired.

When you are first learning a job, you lack confidence because you haven’t proven to yourself that you’re able to consistently meet expectations. This is where you, as the leader, have to help people in those uncertain times build the track record that they need to gain their confidence so that in the future, they can be more self-sufficient and more autonomous.
As the leader you have to help people in those uncertain times build the track record that they need to gain their confidence so that in the future, they can be more self-sufficient and more autonomous. Share on X

Three Tips to Improve Your Team’s Performance

Here are three tips to help your team gain the confidence that they need to improve their performance.

Number One: Challenge Your Team

You have got to give them the opportunity to step into their learning zone and stretch themselves to go beyond what they’re already comfortable with. This allows them to actually step out and try some new things, which is particularly motivating and engaging.

Number Two: Give Support

Your team needs to feel supported. As they go out and make decisions they will need to know that if they do make a mistake or if they stumble, you’re going to be there. It goes a long way if you choose to say, “It’s all right. Everyone stumbles when they’re first learning something. Stay at it and keep going.”

If instead, you become very negative and critical, they’re going to become afraid to try those new things, and that’s going to hurt their confidence level going forward.

Number Three: Measure and Celebrate Performance

Give them a chance to do the task often enough to see their performance level increase. Nothing will give your people more confidence than knowing that they’ve tried something new, became good at it over time, and now they can deliver on the performance expectations. It’s just like the old shampoo commercials, then you rinse and repeat.

In other words, keep doing this with your team to grow their capabilities and their confidence over time.

Maintain Confidence

When your team is more confident, your confidence in them will grow. Their operating performance will improve, and their level of motivation engagement will also be at peak levels.

When your team is more confident, your confidence in them will grow. Their operating performance will improve, and their level of motivation engagement will also be at peak levels. Share on X

Once you’ve figured out how to do that, you’re going to want to work on some of your other leadership skills and capabilities. That’s where we come in as your partners in performance.

It starts with a conversation through our website, at You can review our Front Line Leadership Program that can be delivered on-site for your team, or through our state-of-the-art virtual training studio.

No matter what it takes to help you drive maximum performance and employee engagement, we want to be your partners in performance.