Do some of your workers work hard at not working rather than simply doing the work that you’ve assigned? You may have seen this in your working career, where someone makes a significant effort to only do the bare minimum. The following three examples might be hard to believe, but they’re actually true. In one […]
Read MoreAs a leader, you’ve probably been made to believe that being helpful is a good thing. And usually, it is. But, did you know that there are instances when helpfulness is a bad thing? It all comes down to accountability. When your team member comes to you and they’ve got a game plan figured out, you […]
Read MoreIn the Front Line Leadership course, we ask participants to think back to the best manager or supervisor they’d ever worked for, and then list some of those traits that made the manager so successful. Let’s cover five of the most common attributes that make their way onto the flip chart in the classroom. First […]
Read MoreBeing too busy can cause inefficiencies in your overall leadership. Many leaders want to do a better job at leading, but they get bogged down doing lots of tasks that take away their time from interacting with their teams. Dr. Linda Duxbury, from the University of Ottawa, did some interesting research about how managers use […]
Read MoreWhen you ask employees for their feedback through an engagement survey, you’re creating a set of expectations that things are going to change. However, HR and management can sometimes end up overpromising and under delivering, only to look back six months later and say, “Wow, we really didn’t accomplish a lot since we got those […]
Read MoreDid you know that being conscious and transparent about incompetence can be a good thing? Most of us don’t like to be told that we’re incompetent. And in many cases, people tend to get defensive instead of admitting that they don’t know something. But it can be very helpful to admit when you don’t know, […]
Read MoreAre you making these disciplinary mistakes? If so, you may be creating a worse situation with your employees. Correcting unacceptable behavior and performance is a part of a leader’s responsibilities. But as a leader, when you don’t do it well, you’ll end up more frustrated than before you started. So, let’s take a look at […]
Read MoreThe results are disastrous when a team leader stops engaging with his or her team. Some leaders mistakenly think that their job is to stay in their office and avoid interacting with their team, and communicate only by email. That is a recipe for disaster. I remember one leader who I was asked to coach. He rarely interacted […]
Read MoreWant to stop losing employees? Consider creating a positive “hope slope” in your department. Employees don’t make the decision to leave your company, or stay, based on whether the environment is terrible or awesome. They make the decision based on whether things are getting better or getting worse. Your job as the leader is to give employees hope that you […]
Read MoreIn today’s Leader Feeder, we’ll look at how you can be the leader of choice to help you recruit and retain talented workers. When the economy is running well, many companies find it a challenge to recruit and retain talented workers. They want to be the employer of choice. For your company to be the […]
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