Your longer-serving workers might have a reason to be negative, but you can change that. Do you talk negatively about the long-serving employees in your organization? I was doing some work recently with a group of leaders, and we were discussing the need to stay positive even when surrounded by people who are negative. Many […]
Podcast: Leader Feeder
A promotion is great, but many leaders aren’t prepared to face the challenges that come with it. Some new leaders let the power of a promotion go to their head with disastrous consequences. I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, I […]
Don’t shy away from struggle; it’s good for you and your team. Your growth and your team’s growth comes from the lessons they learn from their struggles. Leading can be a lot like parenting. You want to protect your kids from life’s challenges, but we all know that you learn a lot from the struggles […]
It’s no surprise that employees get agitated when requests are sprung on them at the last minute. Do you spring things on your front line workers at the last minute and then wonder why they react negatively? I want to talk today about the tendency for many production facilities to give their people so little […]
Leadership training can make you aware of much more than just your own leadership habits. Let’s tackle the subject of what happens when you’re a better leader than your boss. A participant in a recent workshop approached me for some advice. He was using a number of the constructive leadership approaches that we’ve been teaching, […]