You don’t have to go to many management or leadership classes to learn that more positive feedback is something that all leaders should be using to motivate their team and encourage them to hit even more ambitious goals. But why don’t leaders give more positive recognition? The number one reason is, when things are busy […]
Podcast: Leader Feeder
We’re going to look at the open door policy, the chain of command, and how you respect that. As a fron tline leader or a senior manager, you want to encourage people to come and talk to you about a variety of different subjects. That’s the open door policy, anyone can talk to anyone at […]
I recently sat down with Ask BBB hosts Jim Swan and Linda Smith to talk business, books and more. The following is a transcript of our interview: Greg Schinkel So here we are, taping the BBB course radio segment, with Jim Swan and Linda Smith from the BBB. Jim Swan I’m Jim Swan. Greg Schinkel […]
As a front line supervisor or manager, you might find yourself in this predicament: you’ve been told by the management team to take a certain message down to your team, but you disagree with it. You’re not buying in personally. How can you handle this? Ask for more clarification. Maybe you don’t understand the background of […]
Some people say the job of a front line leader is pretty easy — as long as you have all your team members report for work with the necessary skills, your machines, and equipment work properly, your raw materials are good and the production schedule is stable — it’s a piece of cake! Right? Most […]