Some employees abuse the system and take advantage of personal breaks. How should you, as a leader, deal with employees who take excessive bathroom or personal breaks? Previously, we talked about how to deal with an employee who has body odor issues. But excessive personal breaks can also be a touchy subject. It’s a common complaint. […]
Tag: Communication
Confronting Excessive Personal Breaks
Some employees abuse the system and take advantage of personal breaks. How should you, as a leader, deal with employees who take excessive bathroom or personal breaks? Previously, we talked about how to deal with an employee who has body odor issues. But excessive personal breaks can also be a touchy subject. It’s a common […]
Proactive vs. Reactive Leaders
Ask yourself, are you proactive or reactive as a leader? How much of your time is spent reacting to problems versus being more proactive in the leadership of your department? Let’s look at how you can shift some of your attention to being more proactive and less reactive. Effects of Reactional Leadership As a front […]
Respect: Demand it or Earn it?
Respect – should you demand it or earn it? In the past, a leader could expect respect simply because of their position. That still exists somewhat today, but more recently, the culture is changing into the belief that respect is something that must be earned. When you think of a leader who you respected, […]
Respect: Demand it or Earn it?
Respect – should you demand it or earn it? In the past, a leader could expect respect simply because of their position. That still exists somewhat today, but more recently, the culture is changing into the belief that respect is something that must be earned. When you think of a leader who you respected, what […]