Cooling Off Heated Conflicts

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Cooling Off Heated Conflicts

Cooling Off Heated Conflicts manage conflicts

 How do you as a front line leader, cool people down when they’re having an emotional or heated argument? Sometimes front line leaders struggle with knowing how to deal with two employees or team members who are having a heated argument. Being in a hot work environment, where people are working long hours and […]

Serve Colleagues Like Your Boss

Serve Colleagues Like Your Boss colleagues leadership

 Most of us know you should work hard to keep your boss happy. Happy boss, happy career. But have you considered putting the same level of attention into keeping your colleagues happy? Some leaders avoid being helpful to their colleagues, thinking that their only job is to keep their boss happy. Some might even […]

Supporting Behavior Change

Supporting Behavior Change Behavior change

 When you give an employee feedback you have to always follow up. As a leader, how do you follow up on a corrective conversation to sustain the positive changes that you’ve asked an employee or team member to make? If they make the change, but you don’t recognize it, there is a chance they […]