Praise: How to See and Say it

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Praise: How to See and Say it

Praise: How to See and Say it

 Let’s look at praise: how to see it and how to say it. Every leadership program, including ours, will tell you that positive reinforcement is a good thing. It helps motivate your team and builds on the good things happening in your department. The question for you is how many good things are happening […]

Leaders: Document Observations and Issues

Leaders: Document Observations and Issues

There are two main reasons that leaders should document observations, questions and issues: Provide back up for any disciplinary actions. Ensure employee questions and issues get addressed and closed out. It isn’t uncommon for supervisors to rush to the HR department with an employee issue and want to provide disciplinary action only to discover that […]

Creating a Sense of Urgency

Creating a Sense of Urgency

 It isn’t unusual for leaders to complain that their team members are lazy, work harder at avoiding work than actually doing the work, and have no sense of urgency when it comes to completing tasks. The pace of work in any environment is important because the more you can produce, the better the results. […]