A promotion is great, but many leaders aren’t prepared to face the challenges that come with it. Some new leaders let the power of a promotion go to their head with disastrous consequences. I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, I […]
Tag: Supervisor
Giving Your Team A Heads Up
It’s no surprise that employees get agitated when requests are sprung on them at the last minute. Do you spring things on your front line workers at the last minute and then wonder why they react negatively? I want to talk today about the tendency for many production facilities to give their people so little […]
Confronting Body Odor Issues
Read, watch, or both: the following is a transcript of the above video. Personal hygiene and body odor is a sensitive subject. Most leaders tend to feel anxious when they have to confront an employee about this. How to confidently address hygiene in the workplace. First of all, let’s agree that body odor and personal hygiene can be embarrassing to talk about. However, most people with personal hygiene issues are […]
Confronting Body Odor Issues
Today we’re going to talk about a sensitive topic. It’s personal hygiene and body odor. Most leaders tend to feel anxious when they have to confront an employee about this. How to confidently address hygiene in the workplace. First of all, let’s agree that body odor and personal hygiene can be embarrassing to talk about. However, most people with personal hygiene issues are unaware of it. They get so used to their own body odor that they […]
Aligning Your Team To Reach Your Goals
How can you get your team aligned to hit their goals? As a leader, you have a few different tools at your disposal. First, realize that if you want your team to achieve different results than before, you’re going to need to take those goals and translate them into behaviors that need to change. You’ve […]