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Explore Your Options

Explore Your Options Explore Your Options - Unique Training and Development

 Do you know why you should consider your options?  You don’t want to narrow down your choices too quickly when solving problems or making decisions. My dad always told me when I was buying something, I needed to look at two or three different options. He was coaching me on how to become a […]

Our Top 3 Blogs From This Past Year

Our Top 3 Blogs From This Past Year manufacturing leader at plant

As you wrap up 2020 and begin preparing for the New Year, are you prioritizing your and your team’s leadership development? The kind of leader your employees view you as strongly depends on the way you interact with them and how you handle certain workplace matters. To give you some ideas on planning your 2021 […]

Get More Respect From Your Team

Get More Respect From Your Team leader and team member talking

 As a leader, you must show respect to earn respect. Here are three tips to earn respect from your team by showing them respect: The first tip is to acknowledge people. When it comes to being snubbed, people are more sensitive than you might think. Something as simple as not acknowledging someone in the […]

Embrace Challenge

Embrace Challenge stressed blue collar worker

Why should you, as a leader, embrace challenges? It’s tempting to think that challenging events and situations are only stressful and negative, but they can also contribute to some of your greatest strengths as a human being and leader. Here are three tips to reframe your thinking about challenges: Tip number one is to see […]