Our Top 3 Blogs From This Past Year

Home » Our Top 3 Blogs From This Past Year

As you wrap up 2020 and begin preparing for the New Year, are you prioritizing your and your team’s leadership development?

The kind of leader your employees view you as strongly depends on the way you interact with them and how you handle certain workplace matters.

To give you some ideas on planning your 2021 skills strategy, I’ve collected our most sought-after blogs read in 2020.

By improving how you relate to your employees, you will retain team members, improve morale—and as a result, increase your productivity. Let’s dive in:

  1. Confronting Excessive Personal Breaks

Do you know how to address employees about matters that aren’t directly related to procedures and processes? How should you deal with employees who take excessive personal breaks?

For guidance on starting the conversation on behavior or performance issues, give this blog a read.

To give you some ideas on planning your 2021 skills strategy, I’ve collected our most sought-after blogs read in 2020. You can find them here. Share on X
  1. Dealing with Dominant Personalities

How do you deal with that dominant and aggressive employees?

Don’t let the obstacle of an unpleasant conversation get in the way of building strong, high performing teams in 2021. If you’re looking to navigate dominant personalities within your team, this is the blog for you.

  1. Proactive vs. Reactive Leaders

If a large amount of your time is spent reacting to problems and resolving issues, you’re not being proactive.

Being a reactive leader will negatively impact your team’s ability to think critically and your productivity too.

If you need a plan to reverse these effects and start creating a smoother work environment for your team, give this blog a read.

Well, there’s some holiday reading.

I hope these tips help you become a leader who empowers front line employees to produce the results your company needs.

Here’s to growing and developing yourself and your team in 2021— Happy New Year!