I want to confront something that companies, even to this day, still do, that I think is a horrible idea. Employee of the month. There’s different variations of this same concept. You might have crew of the month, team of the month, or location of the month. It all starts out innocently enough. The […]
Tag: Teamwork
Retaining New Team Members
Great news! You just hired a much-needed new person to join your team. But if you don’t do a good job making them feel welcomed, they likely won’t stick around. In a competitive job market, hiring people is tough enough, but keeping them is even more difficult. And organizations with lower wages and more grueling […]
Safety Drives Employee Engagement
Show your team that safety is much more than checking the box. Do you want to really motivate your team? Emphasize safety and safe work practices to your team because you care about their well-being. When leaders focus on safety, it tells employees that leadership cares about them. Within the same corporation, there were […]
Safety Drives Employee Engagement
Show your team that safety is much more than checking the box. Do you want to really motivate your team? Emphasize safety and safe work practices to your team because you care about their well-being. When leaders focus on safety, it tells employees that leadership cares about them. Within the same corporation, there were two […]
You Might Be A Micromanager
No one likes being micromanaged, but could you be micromanaging without knowing it? Are you a micromanager? Or perhaps you’re micromanaged? I have asked the question, “Do you like being micromanaged?” many times. I have yet to find anyone in one of our classes who raises their hand and says, “Oh yeah, I like it […]