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How effective is your workplace? Five questions to ask your employees

An effective workplace can create a long term competitive advantage, helping you to satisfy customers, retain talented employees and maximize profits. How your employees answer the questions below will reveal areas of opportunity to improve your organization.Question 1: How well do you understand what is expected of you at work?It might seem embarrassing at first […]


Introverts and Extroverts

Introverts are people who are more inwardly focused – it has been said that introverts find that other people take away their energy, while extroverts, who are more outwardly focused tend to get their energy from other people. Introverts will find that they need to spend time alone after being with people so that they […]


Leadership in Family Business

Just got back from Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise, bi-annual symposium. I spoke at the conference on the topic of “How I Nearly Ruined My Family Business and Lived to Tell About It”. Q: What is it that makes family business so unique? A: It’s the fact that we […]


Celebrating Success

Topic is celebrating success – since we are celebrating Victoria Day in Canada and our American friends will have Memorial Day next weekend. Organizations do not take enough time to celebrate their successes. Build a Base Camp – When you are climbing Mount Everest, you don’t go straight to the top – you take an […]


Making People Feel Part of the Process

A common complaint I hear from people is that they feel that management doesn’t listen to them, tends to impose decisions and doesn’t let them know what’s going on. Management on the other hand thinks that employees are overreacting, should adapt more quickly to change and thinks that they do give employees an opportunity to […]


What Good Coaches Know

As part of our leadership training, we use a coaching simulation to teach managers how to be coaches. Here are some of the insights from that simulation: 1. Good coaches don’t have to be the best players – In most professional sports, the coaches are not former elite players. Sometimes a great athlete or a […]


How to Ace a Job Interview

Last week I spoke to a group of high school students who were planning to enter the workplace directly from grade 12. I thought I would share some observations with listeners who might also benefit: – First Impressions are crucial – most people still judge a book by it’s cover so make sure you set […]


Dealing with Passive People at Work

Sometimes managers can get lulled into complacency thinking that just because employees keep their heads down and keep their thoughts to themselves that they are happy, when in reality they may be masking disatisfaction. Q: How do you identify a passive person? A: A passive person is actually defensive, it’s just that they choose to […]


Resolving Conflicts Between Employees

Sometimes managers will tell me that they find it difficult to deal with conflicts between two employees – because of the conflict, the employees don’t work well together and the manager may find that flexibility is dimished because they have to keep the employees separated. So the question is – what should the manager do […]


Overprotective Parents in the Workplace

The issue of overprotective parents has been noted in schools and organized activities and what many people may not know is that it is spilling over to university, college and even the workplace. At first I was amazed to hear that parents of children in their late teens and early 20’s were setting up meetings […]
